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WesternU / Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning / SoTL: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

SoTL: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

A Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research plan is a systematic and structured outline of a research study aimed at investigating and improving teaching and learning practices, often incorporating a technology intervention. SoTL is a discipline that focuses on researching and understanding the teaching and learning process within higher education, with the goal of enhancing student learning outcomes.

A SoTL research plan, incorporating a technology intervention, typically includes the following components:

  1. Research Question: Clearly state the main research question that the study aims to address, specifically related to the impact of the technology intervention on teaching and learning practices.
  2. Objectives: Outline the specific objectives or goals of the research. These objectives should align with the research question and provide a clear direction for the study, considering the potential benefits and challenges of the technology intervention.
  3. Literature Review: Summarize relevant literature related to the research question and the use of technology in education. This includes previous studies, theories, and concepts that inform and support the research, particularly focusing on the impact of technology interventions.
  4. Methodology: Describe the research design and methodology that will be used to answer the research question and evaluate the technology intervention. This includes details about the sample population, data collection methods (such as surveys, interviews, observations, etc.), and data analysis techniques.
  5. Technology Intervention: Provide a detailed description of the technology intervention being implemented, including the specific tools, platforms, or software involved. Explain the rationale for selecting the technology and how it is expected to enhance teaching and learning practices.
  6. Data Collection: Explain how data will be collected to address the research question and evaluate the impact of the technology intervention. This may involve conducting surveys, interviews, observations, or analyzing data generated by the technology itself. Provide a rationale for the chosen data collection methods and discuss any ethical considerations.
  7. Data Analysis: Describe the analytical techniques that will be used to analyze the collected data, specifically focusing on evaluating the impact of the technology intervention. This may involve qualitative analysis (thematic analysis, content analysis) or quantitative analysis (statistical analysis, correlations, etc.), depending on the nature of the data and research question.
  8. Expected Results: Discuss the potential outcomes or findings that the research aims to generate, specifically related to the impact of the technology intervention on teaching and learning practices. This section should provide a clear link between the research question, methodology, and expected results.
  9. Implications and Applications: Discuss the potential implications of the study’s findings for teaching and learning practices, considering the specific benefits and challenges associated with the technology intervention. How can the research contribute to enhancing student learning outcomes or informing instructional strategies in the context of technology integration?
  10. Timeline: Provide a timeline outlining the various stages of the research project, including data collection, analysis, and reporting, taking into account the implementation and evaluation of the technology intervention.
  11. Resources and Budget: Outline the resources (such as funding, personnel, equipment) needed to conduct the research and implement the technology intervention, including any associated costs.
  12. Limitations and Challenges: Identify any potential limitations or challenges that may arise during the research process, particularly related to the technology intervention, and how they will be addressed.
  13. Dissemination Plan: Outline how the research findings, specifically related to the impact of the technology intervention, will be disseminated, such as through conference presentations, journal publications, or workshops.

A well-developed SoTL research plan with a technology intervention demonstrates a clear understanding of the research question, a rigorous methodology considering technology integration, and a thoughtful approach to data collection and analysis, specifically focusing on evaluating the impact of the technology on teaching and learning practices. It provides a roadmap for conducting research that contributes to the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning in higher education while considering the potential benefits and challenges of technology interventions.

Below is a document with a framework that can be used to help draft your SoTL research.
