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Informational Videos

The U.S. Government’s Office for Human Research Protections has created the following videos with basic information about research to assist potential subjects in determining whether or not to participate in a research study.


The first is a 3 minute video, titled “What is Research?” and provides basic information about scientific research, the goals of research and how clinical research differs from medical care. Click on the image or link to watch this video. Play Video: What is Research?

The second video, titled “Clinical Trials” is about 4½ minutes long and covers types of human research. It explains common terms that potential participants should know. Click on the image or link to watch this video. Play Video: Clinical Trials

Next is a 4¾ minute video titled “Questions to Ask” that emphasizes that participation in research is voluntary and encourages participants to ask questions to obtain the information they need to decide whether or not to participate. Click on the image or link to watch this video. Play Video: Questions to Ask

This video, titled “Randomization”, explains what is meant by randomization and what you need to know when volunteering for a study using randomized design. It last about 7½ minutes. Click on the image or link to watch this video. Play Video: Randomization

The video titled “Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)” explains how it is ensured that clinical research studies meet ethical standards and regulatory requirements. It is 6¾ minutes long. Click on the image or link to watch this video. Play Video: Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

By pressing Ctrl + click on this 6 minute video, titled “Participating in Social & Behavioral Health Research”, you will learn how social and behavioral health research differs from clinical research. Click on the image or link to watch this video. Play Video: Participating in Social & Behavioral Health Research

This last video is titled “Research Use of Information and Samples from Patient Care” and lasts about 5¼ minutes. It explains how leftover tissue and fluid samples or information obtained from clinical care may be used. Click on the image or link to watch this video. Play Video: Research Use of Information and Samples from Patient Care