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Records Management

Western University of Health Sciences recognizes its responsibility for the orderly retention and disposition of all University records, both active and inactive, and for the preservation of historically significant documents and other materials which reflect the University’s origins and development and the activities and achievements of its administrators, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and benefactors.

In order to meet this obligation, the University Archives has been designated the official repository of all records of enduring value of the University’s administrative offices, academic departments, committees, and student groups. Additionally, the University Archives is responsible for the preparation of retention schedules and policies and procedures associated with records management and to provide an efficient management program that will minimize litigation risks and improve organization.

Records Consultation

The University Archives provides services to all departments and offices of the University by assisting them in the efficient administration and management of university records. The University Archivist is available to answer questions and to offer guidance on managing records in all formats.

Guidelines for Managing University Records

Ideally, retention and preservation measures are anticipated and applied early in the record life cycle, long before they are ready for retirement. The records management program will ease the task of weeding files and transferring files to the archives on a regular basis. The following mini-presentations will provide best practices for managing university records and help departments and units comply with and support the University Records Policy:

The University Records Retention Schedule and records inventory and destruction forms are available on the intranet.