Anandi Law, B.Pharm, MS, PhD, FAPhA
Associate Dean, Assessment and Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Administration
College of Pharmacy
B.Pharm 1988
University of Bombay (Mumbai), India
MS 1993
The Ohio State University
Ph.D. 1998
The Ohio State University
President-Elect of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) 2023-2024
My research interests are:
- Improving medication use outcomes for patients using pharmacist interventions,
- Development and validation of patient-reported outcome measures (PROs),
- Educational assessment and outcomes
- Leadership, self-awareness, grit, and the growth mindset in student pharmacists
My focus is on disseminating information to the profession, the health care community at large, and policymakers via publications and professional networks. These areas of interest are a synergy of my training in health outcomes with my background as a pharmacist.
- ‘Examining Impact of Loop Diuretics on HF Patients: Physician and Patient Perspectives.’ PI; Anandi V. Law. Grant from Sarfez Pharma. Inc. $25,000. Funded 2023-2024.
- ‘Establishment of CPESN-CA with the ACT’. PI: Ron Jordan. Role as data and research manager. Grant from The Community Pharmacy Foundation. $60,000. Funded 2019-2021
- “To examine the Impact of a Modified Drug Adherence Work Up (M-DRAW) Tool to improve Patients' Medication Adherence by identifying and Addressing Potential Barriers." PI: AV Law. Extramural Award from CSP Rx. Amount of award: $25,000. Award Period: 2015-2020 “Establishment of pharmacist services in ACOs.” PI: AV Law and D Robinson. Extramural grant from Blue Shield of California.Status: Funded as a contract 2016-2019, $20,000 per year.
- APhA-APRS Research Achievement Award in the Pharmaceutical Sciences 2023 from the American Pharmacists Association; for sustained and significant scholarship
- Provost’s Distinguished Scholar Award 2023 from Western University of Health Sciences
Selected Publications 2021-2024
Pharmacist services:
- Eunhee Kim, Marcia M. Worley, Anandi V. Law. Pharmacist roles in the medication use process: Perceptions of patients, physicians, and pharmacists. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (2023),
- Vaffis S, Patel M, Potisarach P, Warholak T, Law A, Comparison of the properties of the English and Spanish versions of the Patient Satisfaction with Pharmacist Services Questionnaire 2.0, Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (2022).
- Sun Lee, Prashant Sakharkar, Marcia Worley, Abby Kahaleh and Anandi V. Law. Comparing Mail Order Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy Users – Perceptions and Preferences. Accepted for publication by AHDB.
- A.R. Mercadante, S. Lee, K. Uh, A. Chau, U. Truong, A. Jeong, M. Hata, A.V. Law. Impact of adherence goal awareness intervention on PDC in various settings: Does awareness help modify medication-taking behavior?, Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, Volume 4, 2021, 100072, ISSN 2667-2766.
- Amanda R. Mercadante, Mai Yokota, Angela Hwang, Anandi V. Law. Choosing Evolution over Extinction: Integrating Direct Patient Care Services and Value-Based Payment Models into the Community-Based Pharmacy Setting. Pharmacy 2020, 8, 128: doi:10.3390/pharmacy8030128.
Patient reported outcomes and community engagement
- Manu Khare, Kristine Zimmermann, Francis Kazungu, David Pluta, Anandi Law, Alexia Harley, Amanda Mercadante. COVID Vaccine Attitudes and Barriers Among Unvaccinated Residents in Rural Illinois," Ethnicity & Disease Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 32, Number 4, Autumn 2022.
- Amanda Mercadante and Anandi V. Law. Will They, or Won’t They? Examining Patients’ Vaccine Intention for Flu and COVID-19 using the Health Belief Model. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. Volume 17, Issue 9, September 2021, Pages 1596-1605.
Pharmacoeconomics and Informatics
- Roosan D, Law AV, Roosan M, Li Y. Artificial Intelligent Context Aware Machine Learning Tool to Detect Adverse Drug Events from Social Media Platforms. Journal of Medical Toxicology.
- Kim, E., Baskys, A., Law, A.V. et al. Scoping review: the empowerment of Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers with mHealth applications. npj Digit. Med. 4, 131 (2021).
- Natalia Shcherbakova, Shane Desselle, Carole Bandiera, Joanne Canedo, Anandi V Law, Parisa Aslani. Drivers of Citations in Social Pharmacy and Practice Research Articles: Factors, Trends and Recommendations. Accepted by Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. March 2024.
- Amanda R. Mercadante, Chu V, Chen AMH, Wong JC, Khare MM and Law AV. COVID-19 Behavioral Questionnaire (CoBQ): Comparing the pandemic’s impact on health behavior in three US states. Journal of American Colleges of Clinical Pharmacy. Volume5, Issue6, June 2022, Pages 590-598.
- Lieu E, Mercadante AR, Schwartzman E, Law AV. Transition of Care at WesternU Health: An Implementation Science Approach. RSAP (2021).
Scholarship of teaching and service
- Michelle L. Blakely, Elias B. Chahine, Roshni P. Emmons, Emily F. Gorman, Kevin N. Astle, Jay L. Martello, T. Joseph Mattingly, Anna Nogid, Amy Pick, Anandi V. Law, AACP Faculty Affairs Standing Committee Report of Strategies for Faculty Self-Advocacy and Promotion, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2023, ISSN 0002-9459.
- Elizabeth Buckley, Simi Gunaseelan, Benjamin D. Aronson, Heidi N. Anksorus, Victoria Belousova, Tram B. Cat, Kristine M. Cline, Stacey D. Curtis, Christina E. DeRemer, David Fuentes, McKenzie S. Grinalds, Seena L. Haines, Hannah E. Johnson, Karen Kopacek, Jessica M. Louie, Nkem P. Nonyel, Natasha Petry, Shawn Riser Taylor, Suzanne C. Harris, Cheryl A Sadowski and Anandi V. Law. Well-being Content Inclusion in Pharmacy Education Across the United States and Canada. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education April 2023, 87 (3) ajpe8918.
- Diane B. Ginsburg, Anandi V. Law, Henry Mann, Laura Palombi, W. Thomas Smith, Hoai-An Truong, Lucio R. Volino, and Jeffrey O. Ekoma. AACP REPORT Report of the 2018-2019 Strategic Engagement Standing Committee American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. January 2020, 84(1) 7597.
Book Chapters
- Anandi V. Law, BPharm, MS, PhD, FAPhA and Sun Lee, PharmD. Survey Research in Pharmacy Settings in Student Handbook for Pharmacy Practice Research: A Companion Book to Conduct Practice-Based Research in Pharmacy. Published by McGraw-Hill Education. Edited by Rajender R. Aparasu, PhD, FAPhA, John P. Bentley, RPh, PhD, FAPhA, FNAP, Adam N. Pate, PharmD, BCPS.
- Anandi V. Law, Micah Hata, David Sanchez and Donald Hsu. The Critical Role of Pharmacists in the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Chapter 13 in Contemporary Issues in Global Medicine and Moving Toward International Healthcare Equity. Nick Comninellis (University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA) and Steven D. Waldman (University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, USA) DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8490-3. ISBN13: 9781799884903|ISBN10: 1799884902|EISBN13: 978179988491.
- Anandi V. Law, Marcia M. Worley, Chapter 3 - Use of common models to inform and design pharmacy and health services research, Editor(s): Shane P. Desselle, Victoria García-Cárdenas, Claire Anderson, Parisa Aslani, Aleda M.H. Chen, Timothy F. Chen, Contemporary Research Methods in Pharmacy and Health Services, Academic Press, 2022, Pages 37-47, ISBN 9780323918886,