Clubs at Western University of Health Sciences
WesternU is home to over 170 student led clubs and organizations, with over 100 of those groups operating out of the Pomona campus. Below you will find a listing of all student led clubs and organizations on the Pomona campus.
You can search by college (e.g. COMP, CPM, CVM) or keyword (e.g. Radiology, Business, Sports).You can also sort the table by any field you would like. Use the clubs email address (listed in the “Contact” column) or website/social media to find out more information! Clubs that are listed as “Shared” are available to the entire WesternU student body. If a club has a sibling club at the WesternU Oregon campus there will be an asterisk at the end of the club name.
If you’re interested in starting a new club: New club applications are only reviewed once a year. For 2024-2025 we’ve implemented a moratorium on new clubs. This moratorium gives the Office of University Student Affairs time to re-evaluate current processes to better serve our community.
All student organizations must apply to the Office of University Affairs for approval. New club applications will open in 2025 with a deadline to submit a new club application by December 13, 2025. The Student Organization Committee will consider new club applications in early January 2026, and you can expect to hear the committee’s decision by mid-February. Contact University Student Affairs (studentaffairs@westernu.edu) for more information or to request an application.