Airani Sathananthan, MD, MSHS, FACE, FACP
Professor of Internal Medicine/Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
Phone: 909-706-3818 | Fax: 909-469-8645
Join year: 2009
- 2009 - 2011 Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA
- 2006 - 2009 Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
- 1999- 2006 State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine, Buffalo, NY
- 1996 - 1998 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
American Board of Internal Medicine 2006
American Board of Internal Medicine - Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism 2008
- Co-Block Lead, FOM7
- Didactic Sessions Internal Medicine
- American Association of Diabetes Educators- Diabetes Education in a Patient Centered Medical Home
- Ohio University- INSPIRE- Insulin first Diabetes Study
- Western University Student Research Summer Program (mentor for Almira Yang OMS II- Prevalence of Obesity in Pomona)
- Endocrine Society- Visiting Professor Award 2011
- 2008 Endocrine Fellow Foundation Research Grant for project "OCT1 and Response to Metformin."
- Novo Nordisk (Site PI) 1250-3998 SWITCH 2 (active)
Mayo Clinic
June 2007 to June 2008
- One year of Clinical Research under the supervision of Adrian Vella M.D. conducting studies in the General Clinical Research Center
- Investigated the effect of common genetic polymorphisms on the development of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Utilized hyperglycemic clamp to test the insulin secretory response to infused GLP-1 in healthy volunteers to determine the effect of genetic variation in response to GLP-1
Mayo Clinic
December 2010 Certificate in Clinical Research Training Program
- Through course work and projects, students in the program are taught clinical research methodology and to apply biological and technological discoveries in disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Diabetes and Endocrinology of Western New York
August 2004 to October 2004
- Recruited and studied subjects for ongoing clinical research protocols
Upstate New York Transplant Services
2000 to 2001
- Worked as part of research/education team at churches, community events and medical clinics to educate minority communities about organ donation. ¿ Grant sponsored by the New York Department of Health and Human Services.
Unsung Hero Award, 2016
DO2018 Outstanding Clinical Faculty Award, 2016
Student Focus Award, 2015
Teamwork Award, 2013, 2014
Respect for Human Dignity Award, 2014, 2016
Lifelong Learning in Research Award, 2014
Mayo Clinic Randall Sprague Award in Endocrinology, 2009
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Fellow
Endocrine Society, Member
American College of Physicians, Fellow
Sathananthan M, Sathananthan A, Scheithauer BW, Giannini C, Meyer FB, Atkinson JL, Erickson D. Sellar meningiomas: an endocrinologic perspective. Pituitary. 2012 May 27.
Smushkin G, Sathananthan M, Sathananthan A, Dalla Man C, Micheletto F, Zinsmeister AR, Cobelli C, Vella A. Diabetes-associated common genetic variation and its association with GLP-1 concentrations and response to exogenous GLP-1. Diabetes. 2012 May;61(5):1082-9
Smushkin G, Sathananthan A, Man CD, Zinsmeister AR, Camilleri M, Cobelli C, Rizza RA, Vella A. Defects in GLP-1 response to an oral challenge do not play a significant role in the pathogenesis of prediabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Feb;97(2):589-98.
Erickson D, Singh RJ, Sathananthan A, Vella A, Bryant SC. Late-night salivary cortisol for diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry assay. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Apr;76(4):467-72.
Sathananthan A, Dalla Man C, Zinsmeister AR, Camilleri M, Rodeheffer RJ, Toffolo G, Cobelli C, Rizza RA, Vella A. A concerted decline in insulin secretion and action occurs across the spectrum of fasting and postchallenge glucose concentrations. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Feb;76(2):212-9
Robinson S.I., Hobday T.J., Sathananthan A., Morris J.C., McWilliams R.R. “Can Sorafenib cause Hypothyroidism?” Journal of Chemotherapy. 2007 June; 19(3):352-3.
Dalla Man C, Micheletto F, Sathananthan A, Rizza RA, Vella A, Cobelli C. A Model of GLP-1 Action on Insulin Secretion in Nondiabetic Subjects. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Feb 23 Epub
Sathananthan A, Vella A. Personalized pharmacotherapy for Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Personalized Medicine. 2009 Jul 1;6(4):417-422.
Varkey P, Sathananthan A, Scheifer A, Bhagra S, Fujiyoshi A, Tom A, Murad MH. Using quality-improvement techniques to enhance patient education and counseling of diagnosis and management. Qual Prim Care. 2009;17(3):205-13.
Parsaik AK, Murad MH, Sathananthan A, Moorthy V, Erwin PJ, Chari S, Carter RE, Farnell MB, Vege SS, Sarr MG, Kudva YC. Metabolic and target organ outcomes after total pancreatectomy: Mayo Clinic experience and meta-analysis of the literature. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2010 Dec;73(6):723-31
Sathananthan A, Man CD, Micheletto F, Zinsmeister AR, Camilleri M, Giesler PD, Laugen JM, Toffolo G, Rizza RA, Cobelli C, Vella A. Common genetic variation in GLP1R and insulin secretion in response to exogenous GLP-1 in nondiabetic subjects: a pilot study. Diabetes Care. 2010 Sep;33(9):2074-6
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting June 2014 Shubrook, J. Sathananthan, A., Nakazawa, M., Patel, N., Mehta, R., Schwartz, F. INSPIRE Diabetes (Intensive Insulin Regimen as a Primary Treatment of New Onset Type 2 Diabetes)
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists May 2014 Dhondup, T. and Sathananthan, A. Development of Graves’ Disease after Thyroid Surgery.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists May 2014 Patel, A., Sharif, S. Sathananthan, A. Hypothyroidism with Antibody Interference in Thyroid Assay: A Case Report.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists May 2014 Adams, J., McAllister, J., Sathananthan, A. MD, Madelung’s Disease – An Unusual Case of a Rare Disease.
American College of Physicians Southern California Meeting November 2013, CA Yang, A., Ochoa C., Liu, E., Lam, S., and Sathananthan, A., Prevalence of Obesity: Underestimation of Body Mass Index and Weight Loss Practices
American College of Osteopathic Internists National Mtg October 2013, Indian wells, CA Yang, A., Ochoa C., Lam, S., and Sathananthan, A Underestimation of Body Mass Index and Prevalence of Obesity
American College of Osteopathic Internists National Mtg October 2013, Indian Wells CA Arodaki, F., Barrera, E., Sathananthan A. Colon Cancer: An Unusual Presentation
World Congress on InsulinR, DM, and CV Disease November 2012, Universal City, CA Yang, A., Ochoa C., Lam, S., and Sathananthan Underestimation of Body Mass Index and Weight Loss
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists May 2013, Phoenix AZ Rao, P., Sathananthan A. Subacute Thyroiditis Presenting as Toxic Adenoma (also presented at ACOI Meeting October 2013)
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting June 2010 Smushkin, G., Dalla Man, C., Sathananthan, A. Camilleri, M., Giesler., P., Toffolo, G., Rizza., Cobelli., C., Vella, A. The Relationship of Active and Total GLP-1 Concentrations to Insulin Secretion and Action across a Range of Glucose Tolerance in Non-Diabetic Subjects
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting June 2009 Sathananthan., Dalla Man, C., Toffolo, G., Cobelli, C., Zinmeister, A., Camilleri, M., Rizza, R., Vella, A., The Effect of TCF7L2 Genotype on Disposition Indices in Non-Diabetic Subjects
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting June 2009 Dalla Man, C., Micheletto, F., Sathananthan, A., Camilleri, M., Rizza, R., Vella, A., Cobelli, C., A model of GLP-1 Action on Insulin Secretion in Nondiabetic Subjects
Endocrine Society Annual Meeting June 2010, San Diego, CA Bali, R., Pearce, D., Sathananthan, A., “Orlistat: A Review of Liver-Related Medwatch Adverse Reports” Also presented at Southern California ACP meeting- WON 3rd Prize and American College of Osteopathic Internists meeting in 2010)
European Congress of Endocrinology 2010, Prague, Czech Republic Erickson D, Singh, R., Sathananthan, A., Vella, A., Bryant, S. (2010) Salivary cortisol in the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome: clinical experience with liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry on outpatient basis.
Endocrine Society Annual Meeting June 2009 Washington D.C. Sathananthan, A. F. Micheletto, C. Dalla Ma2, G. Toffolo, C. Cobelli, A. Zinsmeister, M. Camilleri, R.A. Rizza and A. Vella. “The effect of TCF7L2 genotype on insulin secretion in response to glucose and GLP-1 infusion in non-diabetic subjects”
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Annual Congress May 2009 Houston, TX Sathananthan A. Kremers, H, Vella A “Review of the Medwatch Exenatide Adverse Reports”
Mayo Karolinska Conference Sept. 2008 Rochester, MN Sathananthan A., Dallaman C., Giesler P., Laugen J., Toffolo G., Cobelli C. ,Rizza R., Vella A. “Insulin Secretion and Insulin Action are Inversely Related to Fasting Glucose in Non-Diabetic Individuals.”
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting June 2008 San Francisco, CA Sathananthan A., Parsaik A., Moorthy V., Loeslie V., Farnell M., Chari S., Sarr M., Vege S., Kudva Y. “Prevalence of Severe Hypoglycemia and Target Organ Damage in Survivors of Total Pancreatectomy.”
Endocrine Society Annual Meeting June 2008 San Francisco, CA Sathananthan A., Davis M., Tiegs R. “Osteoma Cutis and Acne.”
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist Annual Congress May 2008 Orlando, FL Sathananthan A., Atkinson J., Sheithauer B., Erickson D. “Endocrinologic Abnormalities in Sellar Meningiomas.”
Endocrine Society Annual Meeting June 2007 Toronto, Canada Sathananthan A., Babovic D., Erickson D. “Dunnigan’s Partial Lipodystrophy originally diagnosed as PCOS.”
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Annual Congress April 2007 Seattle, WA Sathananthan A., Clarke B. “Treatment of Options for a Man with Progressive Diaphyseal Dysplasia.”
Dr. Airani Sathananthan is originally from Western New York. She completed her medical school at the State University of New York at Buffalo and stayed there to complete her Internal Medicine Residency. Subsequently, she completed a three-year fellowship in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. While there she was the recipient of the Randall Sprague Award for Outstanding Achievement as a Fellow. Dr Sathananthan earned her Masters of Science in Health Sciences (Health Professional Education) from Western University. Dr. Sathananthan is a Professor of Internal Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism at Western University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific in Pomona, California. She is the course coordinator for the Endocrinology course for the second year medical students. She is the co-block lead for FOM 7 (Endocrinology/Reproductive/GI course) for the second year medical students. She also has an endocrinology practice in Pomona, CA at the WesternU Health clinic.