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Brion Benninger, M.D., MSc

Brion Benninger, M.D., MSc

Professor of Anatomy, Executive Director - Medical Anatomy Center

College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific - Northwest

Phone: 541-259-0210 | Fax: 541-259-0201


Join year: 2011

  • Education

    MSc, Sports Medicine, Center for Sports Medicine, Trauma and Orthopedic Department, Nottingham University, England, 1997

    MBChB MD, Leicester University Medical School, England, 1991

  • Certification

    Sports Medicine Physician 1997

    Clinical Anatomy Demonstrator - Surgical Training, Guy's Hospital, London, England, 1993

    Surgical Resident Training

    Physician 1991

  • Professional Experience
    • 2014-present - Samaritan Sports Medicine Fellow Faculty
    • 2011-present - Samaritan Orthopaedic Residency Faculty
    • 2011-present - Samaritan General Surgery Residency Faculty
    • 2000-present- Neuroscientist – Motor Control lab, Proprioception expert
    • 2000-present - Medical Liaison to Irish International Rugby Team
    • 1991-present Clinical Anatomy educator, author and innovator with emerging tecnologies in imaging, simulation, surgical techniques and evidenced based physical examination tests.
    • 1994 to 2000 - Team Physician to various Professional Rugby Teams
    • 1992-2000 - Course Physician for various moter car and motorcycle rallies
    • 1991-2000 - Emergency Medicine
  • Teaching Experience

    Taught Medical, Dental, and Allied Healthcare professionals in Britain,USA, China, Korea, Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, South America and the Caribbean. Teaching surgical, invasive & imaging anatomy using innovative techniques. Integrated ultrasound eFAST & MSK-musculoskeletal, entegrated physical examination techniques. Simulation teaching and developemntexpert with wet, dry and mixed simulation.

    2011-present Western University of Health Sciences, Medical Anatomy Center, Executive Director(COMP & COMP-Northwest). Innovative imaging techniques revealing previously unseen anatomy. Evidence based clinical/surgical/medical and functional anatomy research & terminology. Developing cutting edge clinical anatomy courses. 333 foot veiw of stereostructural and dynamic anatomy.

    • General Medical Anatomy
    • Surgical & Radiological Anatomy
    • Head and Neck Anatomy
    • Essentials of Clinical Medicine
    • Evidence Based Physical Examination
    • Distance Learning

    2006-2014 Caribbean

    • General and Head & Neck Anatomy

    2000-2011 Oregon Health & Science University

    • General Clinical Anatomy - Medical School
    • General Clinical Anatomy - Dental School
    • Clinical Head & Neck and Neuroanatomy - Dental School
    • Advanced Clinical Anatomy for Surgical Residents
    • Clinical Anatomy for Physician Assistant Students
    • Clinical Anatomy for Radiation Therapy Students
    • Clinical Anatomy for Pre-Healthcare Professionals
    • Neuroscience Course
    • Principles of Clinical Medicine

    1991-2000 Nottingham & London (Guys Hospital)
    Medical, Dental & Sports Medicine and Surgical Residents

  • Courses
    • General Medical Anatomy
    • Head & Neck Anatomy
    • Essentials of Clinical Medicine 1st - 2nd year curriculum
    • Systems Courses 1st - 2nd year curriculum
    • Interprofessional Education IPE

    Certificate courses:

    • Advanced Anatomy, 3D &Cross-Sectional anatomy
    • Ultrasound - eFAST exan and MSK

    Club Mentor

    • Surgical Club – Advisor
    • Orthopaedic Club - Advisor
    • Emergency Medicine Club – Advisor
    • Military Club – Advisor
    • Ultrasound Club – Advisor
    • History of Medicine Club – In development
  • Research Interest

    Educational Research

    • Invented teaching anatomy theory of Deconstruction/Reconstruction and develping its learning value by applying multiple mediums using emerging technologies with living humans, donor cadavers and simulation.
    • Simulation - developing/integrating medical simulation.
    • Distance Learning
    • Delivering and further developing innovative ideated sterostructural anatomy teaching/learning.
    • Exponential techology intergrating education with psychlogical tools, flow states, etc...

    Basic Science Research

    • Revealing definitive, and dynamic clinicalanatomy using emerging technologies and developing/integrating with simulation.

    Clinical Science Research

    • Integrate innovationwith emergingtechnologies and applying to stereostructural anatomy and dynamic anatomy, toimaging and invasive procedures developing improved simulation for training.

    History of Medicine Research

    • Integrating past pearls with current and/or emerging technologies to retain historical knowledge as a base to guide emerging technologies.

    Clinical Interests

    • Teaching person-to-person live and with telemedicine, techniques to improve physical examination, ultrasound & other imaging medium anatomy, diagnosis, maintenance and safety for patients with emerging technologies improving simulation and patient healthcare.
    • Sports Medicine - injury prevention, ultrasound, simulation, safety
    • Surgical Procedures -Stereostructural Anatomy, Dynamic anatomy landmarks
    • Ultrasound
    • Stereostructural Anatomy
    • Musculoskeletal pathology-diagnostic
    • Invasive procedures
    • Injury monitoring
    • Soft tissue rehabilitation & proprioception
    • Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Awards

    2017 - Innovation in Medical Education Award - China, Dynamic Simulation

    2016 - Honored Guest Speaker - Karolinska Institute, Sweden. "Discovery and Naming a New Peripheral Nerve Catagory"

    2015 - Awarded 1st annual AACA Anatomy Body Willed Program Research Award for "Comparing cadaver preparations for maximum imaging quality used for anatomy teaching courses, CME's and research"

    2014 - Honored Speaker, Vesalius 500th Birthday Celebration, Zachynthos, Greece "Vesalius saw the body in 3-D and in motion, leading to triple feedback"

    2014 - USA appointed delegate to International Federation of Anatomy Associations, Beijing China, "Scapulodyskinesis requires knowledge of Scapulothoracic & Scapluohumeral rhythm"

    2014 – American Society of Echocardiography - Innovative Product of the Year award with novel teaching and development of Sonivate ultrasound finger probe with Google Glass

    2013 - Outstanding Basic Science/Anatomical ScienceFaculty Award, COMP-NW, Western University of Health Sciences

    2013 - Lifelong Learning Research Award, COMP-NW, Western University of Health Sciences

    2013 - Lifelong Learning Teaching Innovation Award, COMP-NW, Western University of Health Sciences

    2012 - Educational Scholar of the Year Award, COMP-NW, Western University of Health Sciences

    2012 - Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member Award, COMP-NW, Western University of Health Sciences

    2012 – Received First Place Research Award at the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

    2012 – Received Commendation Award in Innovative Clinical Anatomy Teaching from the Commission of Osteopathic Accreditation (First Medal Commendation Award in Anatomy Teaching given in the past 25 years)

    Western University of Health Sciences, COMP-Northwest, (Student Research Program)

    2016 - Mentored Student (Nick Petit) 1st place Research Award WMR

    2016 - Mentored Student (Stephanie Eonta) 1st place Research Award AMOPS

    2016 - Mentored Student (Whey Cheng) Runner-up Research Award AMOPS

    2016 - Mentored Student (Taylor Delamarter) 1st place Clinical Science Research Award OPSO

    2016 - Mentored Student (Vitally Natkha) 1st place Tech/Education Science Research Award OPSO

    2015 - Mentored Student (John Carter) 1st place Clinical Science Research Award OPSO

    2015 - Mentored Student (Vitally Natkha) 1st place Basic Science Research Award OPSO

    2015 - Mentored Student (Kyler Kozacek) 1st place Tech/Education Science Research Award OPSO

    2014- Mentored Student (Eric Vinceslio) 1st place Clinical Research Presentation Award at the World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education

    2014- Mentored Student (Deeka McDaniel) 1st place Education Research Presentation Award at the World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education

    2014- Mentored Student (Lyman Wood) National Ralph Ger Clinical Science Research Award presentation at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists

    2014 - Mentored Student (Alex Wertheimer) 1st place student Clinical Research Award at the Osteopathic MedicalConference & Exposition

    2014 - Mentored Student (Andy Berglund) only medical student amoungst 6 MD finalists invited for Platform presentation for the American Academy of Emergency Medicine research prize.

    2013- Mentored Students (Patrick Bevan, Mike Kahan, Nik Brown, Sarah Hughes, Andy Berglund) all awarded Platform presentations at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists

    2013 -Mentored Student (Kurtis Webster) received top research Award at the World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education

    2012- Mentored Student (Nik Matsler) who received National Sandy Marks Education Science Research Poster Award runner-up at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists
    2012- Mentored Student (Aaron Stecker) who received National Sandy Marks Clinical Science Research Poster Award runner-up at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists

    2012- Mentored Student (Nik Matsler) who received National Ralph Ger Education Science Research Award at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists

    2012- Mentored Student (Julien Diegel) who received National Ralph Ger Clinical Science Research Award Platform presentation at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists

    2012 -Mentored Student (Kevin Post) who received runner-up National Ralph Ger Basic Science Research Award Platform presentation at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists

    2012- Mentored Student (Taylor Delamarter) who received Second Place Clinical Research Award at the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

    Oregon Health Sciences University

    2009-11 – Recognized by Faculty for Teaching, Leadership, and Research

    2009 – Honored for Community Service and Education by integrating human and marine anatomy to help understand human anatomy, clinical conditions and the benefits of inter-professional research to the public with public dissection of sharks.

    2008-10 – Honored by consecutive Dental Classes “White Coat Faculty Award”

    2008 – First basic scientist/clinician to be honored by the Dental Class to award coats at the “White Coat Ceremony”

    Innovation & Technology Accomplishments

    Professor Brion Benninger MD (Sports Medicine, Clinical Anatomist, Reverse Translational researcher and Innovative Medical Educator) from COMP-Northwest, Western University of Health Sciences, Lebanon, Oregon)

    October 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger has collaborated with a colleague developing an interactive Avatar limb which integrates the users own human movement, infared and software resulting in real time anatomy display.

    September 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger has collaborated with colleagues to successfully investigate, discover and reveal a missing piece of Andreas Vesalius Epitome which will besubmitted for publication this December.

    September 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger has a patent on a novel dual array ultrasound finger probe which can provide diagnostic quality musculoskeletal and cavity anatomy. He was the first to assess this on donar cadavers.

    September 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully acquire 12 Tesla MRI imaging scans using an innovative perfusion technique with a unique contrast agent and gadolinium on a donor cadaver patient, revealing 120-micron slice and 3D rendering vasculature and soft tissue not previously viewed from human anatomy.

    July 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to sucessfully acquire MRI imaging scans using and innovative perfusion technique with a unique contrast agent and gadolimium on a donor cadaver patient, revealing vasculature we have never viewed from a human MRI before.

    July 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully perform an innovative diffusion technique on a donor cadaver patient with a unique contrast which successfully highlighted human nervous tissue (brain, spinal cord and perifial nerves). This revealed anatomy of nerves we have never viewed before from a human CT scan.

    April 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully teach 1st and 2nd year medical students how to intubate using video assisted laryngoscopy (VL) and direct laryngoscopy (DL) in an anatomy lab integrating his deconstruction/reconstruction anatomy concept with interactive Sectra table, hi-fidelity simulation by 7-Sigma, and confirming successful intubation placement with an ultrasound finger probe by Sonivate and hand-held systems by GE. He recorded a teaching video with Google Glass.

    April 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger successfully conducted a CME course titled "Acquiring a Video Assisted Airway Integrating Emerging Technologies with Innovative Teaching Philosophies". He brought in 5 of the latest video-assisted laryngoscopes to be conducted on a lifelike interactive hi-fidelity simulation models by 7-Sigma, virtual reality ultrasound by CAE, and interactive 3D image with Sectra, a specially prepared donor cadaver with a unique contrast agent, an ultrasound finger probe by Sonivate, hand-held GE ultrasound systems and the latest version of Google Glass while applying andragogical teaching methods.

    January 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully acquire MRI imaging scans using an innovative perfusion technique with a unique contrast agent on a donor cadaver patient.

    January 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully acquire CT imaging scans using an innovative perfusion technique with a unique contrast on a donor cadaver patient.

    January 2018, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully acquire ultrasound imaging using an innovative perfusion technique with a unitque contrast agent which enabled the eFAST examination to be conducted revealing important spaces of the right and left quadrants, subxiphoid cardiac views and full bladder pelvic views. He was the first to use this medium while training in Oregon paramedics to learn the eFAST examination.

    July 2017, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully acquire images of intubating cadavers with a scope that viewed the airway above and below the vocal cordswhich was not a bronchoscope.

    November 2016, Dr. BrionBenninger was invited to participate with assessing Global Illumination technology that provided improved lighting to areas of CT/MRI images to better reveal pathology. This technology is now available.

    February 2016, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully capture images from donor cadaver breast tissue using a ductoscope he is developing.

    November 2015, Dr. Brion Benninger used miniature scopes for foot & ankle and wrist & hand joints on cadavers with superior lighting and image resolution to conventional scopes. He has been developing these probes for 10 years.

    October 2014, Dr. Brion Benningerwas the first to successfully combine Glass with ultrasound linear finger probe during a Procedures Lab for Emergency Medicine, Military, Surgical, Ultrasound, Othopaedic and Sports Medicine Clubs attended by first and second year medical students at COMP-Northwest in Lebanon Oregon conducted by Dr. Eschelbach, Medical Director at St Charles Health System, Redmond Oregon. Dr Benninger, Advisor to the Clubs, was extremely impressed with Dr Eschelbach’s didactic and hands on presentations. Students were able to conduct and practice the skills of the Seldinger technique for central lines etc…combining Glass, SonicEye finger ultrasound linear transducer with a Fukuda-Denshi ultrasound system.

    September 2014, Dr Brion Benningerwas the first to successfully combine Glass with DirectVision urinary cathether by PercuVision. Professor Benninger is able to view the urethral contents through the Glass while placing a urinary catheter. He taught COMP-Northwest medical students how to place urinary catheters using DirectVision on an advanced urinary simulator and then on donor cadavers. Dr. Benninger feels combining Glass with the advanced technology equipment developed from PercuVision will diminish the trauma inflicted from blind catheter placement, ultimately improving the quality of care to our patients.

    September 2014, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully combine Glass with the SonicEye finger ultrasound linear and biplanar transducers using a Fukuda-Denshi ultrasound system hosted a symposium and hands on workshop integrating common field emergency procedures with innovative technology. Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to teach a formal workshop to emergency medical services personnel using Google glass and novel SonicEye finger ultrasound transducers.

    September 2014, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully combine Glass with the SonicEye finger ultrasound linear and biplanar transducers using a Fukuda-Denshi ultrasound system delivered an invited presentation at the St. Charles Healthcare System grand rounds using Google Glass emphasizing the history of bedside examination which has culminated into a triple feedback technique created by Dr Benninger using old school palpation skills, innovative dynamic ultrasound with Glass. He addressed the importance of anatomical knowledge and medical innovation.

    August 2014, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to successfully combine Glass with the SonicEye finger ultrasound linear transducer using a Fukuda-Denshi ultrasound system to identify fractures of the mandible on donor cadaver patients.

    August 2014, Dr. Brion Benningerwas the first to deliver a formal radiology lecture to first year medical students using Google Glass.

    August 2014, Dr. Brion Benninger highlighted integrating Google Glass, ultrasound and a linear finger probe (Fukuda-Denshi & SonicEye respectively) creating triple feedback during physical examinations in Beijing, China at the International Federation of Anatomical Associations (IFAA)

    August 2014 in Zakynthos, Greece, Dr. Brion Benninger delivered aninvited presentation about Google Glass, ultrasound and his triple feedback technique at the Vesalius Consortium (500th Birthday celebration). He revealed and compared Vesalius innovation to triple feedback with Google Glass and ultrasound linear and biplanar finger probes (Fukuda-Denshi & SonicEye respectively).

    July 2014, Professor Brion Benninger MD was the first to successfully assess medical students anatomy knowledge using Google Glass during anatomy lab examination identifying cadaver structures without the traditional use of pins, flags and strings. Professor Benninger feels the traditional way biased the structures students were being asked to identify and was unhelpful in representing anatomy as it would be experienced during physical examinations and invasive techniques.

    March 2014, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to combine Glass with the SonicEye finger ultrasound biplanar array transducer using a Fukuda-Denshi ultrasound system to successfully identify foreign bodies (shrapnel) that would be lodged in upper and lower limbs during military combat and civilian firearm violence.

    March 2014, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to combine Glass with the SonicEye finger ultrasound linear and biplanar array transducers using a Fukuda-Denshi ultrasound system to prove that images can be successfully obtained from donor cadavers and live subjects.

    February 2014, Dr. Brion Benninger was the first to combine Google Glass with the SonicEye finger ultrasound transducer using a Fukuda-Denshi ultrasound system to view ultrasound images during physical examinations of the limbs, neck, thorax and abdomen. Benninger teaches a physicians hand is a palpation stethoscope, the ultrasound finger probe is a visual stethoscope and integrating them with Glass would provide a physician triple feedback during physical examinations (palpation, surface, and internal visualization).

  • Committees
    • Curriculum Committee
    • Admissions Committee
    • Research Committee
    • Safety Committee
  • Publications

    Authorship and/or Editor of Textbooks
    Author / Co-Author / Editor

    Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy 7th Edition – Elsevier Publisher (printing 2018) - Editor

    Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy 6th Edition – Elsevier Publisher (printed 2014) - Editor

    Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy 5th Edition – Elsevier Publisher (printed 2010) - Editor

    Gray's Anatomy Dissector 2nd Edition - Elsevier Pulisher (printing 2018) - Author

    Gray’s Anatomy Dissector – Elsevier Publisher (printed 2013) - Author

    Nerves and Nerve Injuries - Elsevier Publisher (Printed May 2015) edited by Shane Tubbs. Brion Benninger - lead author

    Bergman's Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation - Elsevier Publisher (printed May 2015) - multiple chapter author

    VH Dissector Pro– published, Involved with design and clinical content of software program being used by 35 healthcare institutions. (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014) – Co-Author

    Anatomical Power of 3 – local printing of anatomical review using a theme 2009 and 2015. – Author

    Brain Injury Medicine, second edition – Demos Medical Publishing (printed 2012) chapter contribution – video cranial nerves

    International and Chapter editor

    1. Invited as to provide novel imaging techonogy for Gray's Anatomy 42nd Edition
    2. Chapter writer for Gray's Anatomy 41st Edition (printed 2017)
    3. Chapter editor for Gray’s Anatomy 40th (150 years) Edition (printed 2009)

    Abstracts - 340 research abstracts to date, accepted and presented at blind peer reveiwed international/national/regional conferences, while mentoring over 200 healthcare professional students receiving multiple research awards.

  • Narrative

    Brion Benninger MD MSc, Professor, Executive Director of the Medical Anatomy Center - Where Education and Science meet Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences, Lebanon Oregon. Residency faculty General Surgery, Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Fellow Samaritan Health Services, Corvallis, Oregon and Surgery, Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation OHSU, Portland Oregon.

    Professor Benninger has been on the cutting edge of innovation and technology by developing, promoting and integrating novel perfusion/diffusion neurovascular techniques using a special contrast agent revealing human anatomy previously unseen, optical head mounted displays (eg. Google Glass), novel ultrasound finger probes (eg.SonicEye), 3D interactive visualization table (eg. Sectra) and Glass optical urinary catheterization (eg. PercuVision), providing innovative medical education, basic & clinical science reverse translational research and invasive techniques with an emphasis of stereostructural and dynamic anatomy and imaging. His formal training as a physician (trauma and sports medicine) and clinical anatomist has provided him with tremendous insights into dynamic anatomy. He has received several teaching awards by faculty and students from multiple institutions and countries. He was the first Chair of Anatomy to receive an accreditation Commendation MedalAward, for his vision and innovative teaching methods. His innovation and use of technology in research has benefited both military and civilian medicine. He was the first to conduct research using Google Glass in an anatomy lab. First to combine ultrasound finger probes with Glass while examining a patient, which is being patented as Triple feedback technique and practiced in anatomy lab courses. First to combine 3D visualization table with actual cadaver CT/MRI prior, during and post dissection as part the anatomy lab course. He has mentored over 200 medical/dental students who have presented research at national and international conferences on over 300 research projects. He is an Editor for Netters Human Atlas (most sold anatomy atlas worldwide), An author of Gray’s Anatomy and Gray’s Dissection texts. He is recognized as an international leader and expert in ultrasound education during the Basic Science curriculum years. He designed the millennial medical anatomy lab and coined the term stereostructural and dynamic anatomy. He is an expert on anatomical variations. He continues to pioneer medical anatomy by integrating it with technology and disruptive innovation.