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Brian Loveless, DO

Brian Loveless, DO


College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific

Phone: 8223 | Fax: 909.469.5289


Join year: 2011

  • Education

    Chino Valley Medical Center, Traditional Internship and Family Practice Residency, 2002-2005

    Western University of Health Sciences/COMP, DO 1998-2002

    UC San Diego, BS Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1992-1996

  • Education Experience

    Costin Institute for Osteopathic Medical Educators 2006

  • Certification

    AOBFP 2006

  • License

    California 2003

  • Professional Experience

    Presentation, “OMT in the Office and 6 dirty secrets to Low Back Pain”, ACOFP-CA, August 2012

    Presentation, “OMT in the Office and Greenman’s Dirty Half-Dozen”, September 2012

    Presentation. COMP Cranial course “Frontal and Parietal Bones”, February 2012

    Presentation “How Osteopathy can help with pregnancy” Oaks House Birth Center, Chino, CA February 2009

    Presentation “OMM: Residency, Fellowships, and Beyond” OPSC Student workshop, February 2009

    Presentation to COMP MSII Class “Hospital Screening Exam”, October 2008

    SBCOMA lecture “Osteopathic Philosophy”September, 2008

    Presentation to COMP MSII Class “Hospital OMM”, April 2008

    Presentation to COMP MSII Class “Introduction to Billing and Coding”, April 2008

    Presentation OPSC Student workshop “OMM and You, February 2008

    Presentation to COMP MSI Class “Integrating Osteopathy in Clinical Practice”, April 2007

    Presentation at COMP Cranial Course “Parietal Bones”, March 2007

    Presentation to COMP MSII Class “Balanced Ligamentous Tension Techniques”, February 2007

    Annual Workshop “Osteopathic Techniques for Physical Therapists,” WUHS Dept. of Physical Therapy, 2007-Present

    Presentation OPSC conference “Extremity Pain”, September 2006

    Presentation to National Youth Leadership Forum “Introduction to Osteopathy” June 2006

    Presentation to SBCOMA “Hospital OMM”March, 2006

    Presentation to WUHS/COMP MSI Class “Integrating OMM into Clinical Practice, March 2006

    Presentation OPSC conference “Choosing a Specialty and Navigating the Match”February 2006

    Presentation to UAAO COMP “Ligamentous Articular Strain”, November 2005

    OMM Faculty, CVMC Family Medicine Residency Program, July 2005-Present

    Bi-monthly presentations to CVMC Housestaff, July 2005-Present

    Presentation to SBCOMA “Hospital OMM”June 2005

    Presentation at OPSC convention “Palliative OMM”, February 2005

    Presentation to COMP MSII Class “Hospital OMM”, January 2005

    Presentation to UAAO COMP “Ligamentous Articular Strain”, November 2004

    Presentation to Chino Kiwanis club “What is a D.O.?”, December 2003

    Presentation to COMP Student ACOFP “Hospital OMM”, October 2003

    Associate Chief Resident, CVMC, 2003-2004

    Postgraduate AAO, TUMEC OPTI Representative, 2003-2004

    Touro University Faculty Development Retreat, 2003

    Touro University Residency Forum, 2003

    Bi-weekly Inpatient OMM Rounds with Medical Students, 2002-2003

    Bi-monthly OMM Lectures to Housestaff and Medical Students, 2002-2003

    ACOFP Strongest Link, Chino Valley Medical Center, 2002-Present

    Class Student Representative, COMP, 2000-2002

    Clinic Coordinator, Montclair Community Clinic, Montclair California, 2000-2001

    Undergraduate American Academy of Osteopathy President, 1999-2000

    Student Osteopathic Surgical Association, Events Coordinator, 1999-2000

  • Work Site

    Urgent Care/Per Diem Physician, Kaiser, 2009-Present

    Owner/Physician, Health in Motion Medical Group, 2005-2011

    Hospice Team Physician, Vitas Hospice, 2003-2011

    Group Physician, Inland Physician Services, 2003-2011

  • Awards

    OPSC Rookie of the Year 2009

    COMP OMM Department Award, 2002

  • Organizations

    American Osteopathic Association

    American Academy of Osteopathy

    American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians

    The Osteopathic Cranial Academy

    Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California

  • Committees

    Chair, OPSC Education Committee, 2011-Present

    Member, OPSC Board of Directors, 2009-2012

    Member, Cranial Academy Audit Committee, 2008-2009

    Vice-Chair, OPSC Education Committee, 2008-Present

    Member, OPSC Publication Committee, 2007-2008

    Member, OPSC Education Committee, 2007-Present

    Chair, CVMC Utilization of Osteopathic Concepts Committee, 2006-Present

    Member, ACOFP Osteopathic Principles and Practice Committe, 2006-2008

    Chair, CVMC Tumor Evaluation Committee, 2005

    Resident Member, ACOFP Osteopathic Principles and Practice Committee, 2004-2005

    Resident Member, TUCOMEC Research Committee, 2003-2004

    Member, ACOFP Resident and Intern Committee, 2003-2004

  • Publications

    “How Osteopathic manipulation Factors in a Patient with Fever and Back Pain,” California DO, Spring 2007

    “A novel family of channel-forming, auto-transporting, bacterial virulence factors,” Molecular Membrane Biology, July-September 1997