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Colleen Talbot, PhD

Colleen Talbot, PhD

Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Professor of Physiology

College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific - Northwest

Phone: 541-259-0322

Join year: July 2010

  • Education

    Ph.D., Animal Physiology, University of Chicago, IL, 1993
    M.S., Biology/Physiology, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, 1988
    B.S., Biology, cum laude, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, 1985

  • Teaching Experience

    Professor of Physiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Western University of Health Sciences, 2010–Present
    Professor, Department of Biology, California State University, San Bernardino, CA, 2009 – 2010
    Associate Professor, Department of Biology, California State University, San Bernardino, CA, 2002 – 2009
    Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, California State University, San Bernardino, CA, 1997 – 2002

  • Courses

    ISOM, FOM 1, FOM 3, FOM 5, ISSM 1-4

  • Research Interest

    My main interest is in epithelial ion transport. I have studied a variety of epithelial systems, including the classic frog skin model, mammalian airway and gastrointestinal systems. I am interested in characterizing the various types of ion transporters and channels using electrophysiological, immunocytochemistry and RNA expression (in situ hybridization) techniques. I am interested in the hormonal and cellular regulation of the various transporters and channels.

  • Awards

    Western University of Health Sciences, Distinguished Teacher Award, 2019

    Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence by Student Proclamation, 2019

    College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Distinguished Faculty Award – Teaching, 2019

    Best Student Mentor, MSMS Program, Graduate College of Biomedical Sciences, 2015, 2016

    Student Focus Award, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, 2013

    Outstanding Faculty in Instructionally Related Activities (“Outstanding Teacher”), CSUSB, College of Natural Science, 2009

    Golden Key, Lifetime Honorary member, 2002

    Outstanding Faculty in Professional Development, CSUSB, College of Natural Science, 2002

  • Publications

    Publications (selected)

    • Goode, C. and C. Talbot. 2017. A Special Masters Program as a Pipeline to Increase Diversity in an Osteopathic College. J. Best Pract. Health Prof. Divers. 9:1198-1216
    • Talbot C R and Lytle C. Segregation of Na/H exchanger-3 and Cl/HCO3 exchanger SLC26A3 (DRA) in rodent cecum and colon.AM J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010. 299:G358-G367.
    • Talbot C R. The effects of perfusion of the cutaneous vasculature on sodium uptake in isolated frog skin. J Comp Physiol B. 2002 Apr;172(3):209-16.
    • Rochelle LG, Li DC, Ye H, Lee E, Talbot CR and Boucher RC. 2000. Distribution of ion transport mRNAs throughout murine nose and lung. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2000 Jul;279(1):L14-24.
    • Stiffler DF and Talbot CR. 2000. Exchanges of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water in the caecelian Dermophis mexicanus. J Comp Physiol B. 2000 Nov;170(7):505-9.

    Abstracts and Presentations (selected)

    • Talbot, C., E. Sperling. 2024. Evaluation of a Didactic Examination Retake Process for Preclinical Medical Students. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic Med. Annual Conference. Kansas City, MO.
    • Talbot, C., G. Thrush, E. Barnes, E.P. Junkins, J. Sanchez. 2023. Development of a Longitudinal Course That Emphasizes Preparation for the COMLEX Licensing Exams. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic Med. Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.
    • McKernan, S., K. Mitzel, A. Moradi, C. Talbot. 2022. Clinical Faculty/Preceptor Recruitment Best Practices. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic Med. Annual Conference. Denver, CO.
    • Sanchez, J., E. Katsaros, G. Thrush and C. Talbot. 2020. The Development of a Faculty-Driven Curricular Redesign Process. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic Med. Annual Conference (virtual presentation). Washington, DC.
    • Goode, C., G. R. Thrush, S. E. Mackintosh and C. Talbot. 2018. Collaboration in a Special Master’s Program Increases Diversity in an Osteopathic Medical College. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic med. Annual Conference Washington, DC. (JAOA 118:e61)
    • M. Villa, C. Talbot andC. Goode. 2017. Lessons learned: A Program to increase diversity in osteopathic Medicine. National Association Minority Medical Education National meeting. Long Beach, CA.
    • Goode, C., C. Talbot. 2017. A Mission-Driven Special Master’s Program Helps Increase Diversity in Professional Schools. Assoc. Med. Educ. Europe. Helsinki, Finland.
    • C. Talbotand C. Goode. 2017. Evidence Based Changes in a Pipeline Special Masters Program. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic Med. Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
    • Mackintosh, S., G. Thrush, C. Talbot. 2016. Consistent Application of Learning Outcomes in Assessment. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic Med. Annual Conference, Washington DC
    • Goode, C., C. Talbot. 2016. Building on Resilience through an SMP. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic Med. Annual Conference, Washington DC
    • Talbot, C. C. Goode. 2016. Tracking the performance of SMP graduates in the preclinical education. Am. Assoc. College of Osteopathic Med. Annual Conference, Washington DC