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Elizabeth Hoppe, OD, MPH, DrPH

Elizabeth Hoppe, OD, MPH, DrPH

Founding Dean

College of Optometry

Phone: 909-706-3497 | Fax: 909-706-3905


Join year: 2007

  • Education

    Dr.PH., 1999, University of Michigan, School of Public Health

    M.P.H., 1991, Yale University, School of Medicine

    O.D., 1988, Ferris State University, College of Optometry

    B.S., 1988, Ferris State University

  • Professional Experience

    New England Eye Institute, 2003 - 2007

    affiliated with the New England College of Optometry

    Community Screening Program

    Southern California College of Optometry, 1990 - 2003

    Family Practice Service

    Low Vision Service

    Foothill Center for the Partially Sighted

    Community Health Care Plan, 1989 1990

    New Haven, CT

    Staff Model HMO

    Part time staff optometrist

  • Teaching Experience

    Western University of Health Science
    Founding Dean
    College of Optometry
    Professor of Optometry, 2007-present

    New England College of Optometry, 2003 – 2007
    Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

    Southern California College of Optometry
    Assistant Professor 1990 - 1996
    Associate Professor 1996 – 2002
    Tenure Awarded 1999
    Professor 2002 - 2003

    University of Houston College of Optometry
    Adjunct Clinical Faculty 1988 - 1989

    Pennsylvania College of Optometry
    Supervision of senior interns 1988 - 1989

    New England College of Optometry
    Supervision of senior interns 1988 - 1989

  • Courses

    OPTM 6241 Evidence Based Eye Care, Instructor of Record, 2011 - present

    This course emphasizes the application of published literature to clinical decision making. Students learn how to select and critique appropriate and relevant information within the context of patient care scenarios. Strategies for informed clinical decision making and for life-long learning are demonstrated.

  • Research Grant

    1996 Breathsaver’s Award

    for community screening program

    Foothill Center for the Partially Sighted

    1996 Citrus Valley Health Partner’s Award

    for providing services to low income patients

    Foothill Center for the Partially Sighted

    1997 National Eye Institute

    Refractive Error Correction Questionnaire

    Technical Advisory Committee member

    1998 Minnie Turner Award

    faculty advisor for student research

    1998 National Eye Institute

    Refractive Error Correction Questionnaire Phase II

    Principal Investigator / Author of grant application submission

    (not funded)

    1998 Younger Optics

    Lens design evaluation

    Principal Investigator

    1999 U.S. Department of Education

    Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education

    Educating Health Care Students and Professionals in Remote Clinical Sites

    Project Director / Author of grant application submission

    (not funded)

    1999 American Public Health Association

    Challenge Grant Year 2000

    Eyeing Abuse: Optometry’s Role in Domestic Violence Intervention

    Project Director / Author of grant application submission

    1999 Ciba / ASCO

    Total Quality Education Grant

    Eyeing Abuse: Preparing Optometry Students for Domestic Violence Intervention

    Project Co-Director / Co-Author of grant application submission

    2001 U.S. Department of Education

    Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education

    Basic and Clinical Integration Curriculum

    Site Coordinator / Co-Investigator

    2001 Beta Sigma Kappa Student Research Grants

    Administrator of SCCO BSK Grant Programs

    2001 Minnie Turner Award

    faculty advisor for student research

    2003 Marco Grant

    Outcomes of Residency Education

    Principal investigator / Author of grant application submission

    2003 – 2005 Alcon Educational Grant

    Support for Annual Preceptor’s Conference on Clinical Education

    Conference Organizer and Host

    2004 ASCO Grant

    Cultural Awareness Symposia

    Co-Investigator / Data coordinator

    2005 ASCO Grant

    Cultural Competency Workshop

    Co-Investigator / Data coordinator

    2006 VSP Grant

    Private Practice Leadership Initiative


  • Awards
    • 2012, 5-year Service Award Western University of Health Sciences
    • 2007, Dr. Lester Janoff Award for Writing Excellence in Optometric Education presented by the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry, Peer-reveiwed award for best article in the journal Optometric Education
    • 2006, “50 Most Influential Women in Optical”, Vision Monday
    • 2000, 10-year Service Award Southern California College of Optometry
    • 1997, Certificate of Outstanding Service Foothill Presbyterian Hospital
    • 1995, Certificate of Appreciation American Optometric Association - 10 Year Member
    • 1995, Certificate of Appreciation Foothill Presbyterian Hospital
    • 1995, 5-year Service Award Southern California College of Optometry
    • 1994, Certificate of Service Tripler Army Medical Center
    • 1998, William Feinbloom Award for Excellence in Low Vision
    • 1987, Certificate of Recognition Board of Control Ferris State University
    • 1982 – 1984, Presidential Scholarship Jackson Community College
  • Organizations
    • American Optometric Association
    • California Optometric Association
    • Inland Empire Optometric Society
    • Orange County Optometric Society
    • Massachusetts Society of Optometrists
    • American Academy of Optometry
    • American Public Health Association
    • Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
  • Publications
    1. Hoppe E Evaluating the laws defining legal blindness, Journal of the American Optometric Association 1992; 62:390-4
    2. Hoppe E, Perlin R The effectivity of fresnel prisms for visual field enhancement, Journal of the American Optometric Association 1993; 63:46-53
    3. Hoppe E A year in the life: Southern California College of Optometry student experience in the Indian Health Service, Journal of the American Optometric Association 1996; 67:257-62
    4. Hoppe E Quantifying the risk of blood exposure in optometric clinical education, Journal of Optometric Education, 1997; 22(2):60-66
    5. Hoppe E The use of epidemiology in clinical decision making, chapter in Clinical Decision Making by Rouse and Ettinger, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston 1997
    6. Hoppe E Survey research, chapter in Opthalmic Research and Epidemiology by S.W. Hatch, Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998
    7. Hoppe E A model curriculum for teaching optometry students about smoking cessation education, Optometric Education, 1998; 24(1):21-26
    8. Heath DA, Hoppe E, Berman MS, Loshin D, Madden T A model for entry-level determination (MELD), Optometric Education, 1999; 24(2):56-60
    9. Hoppe E. Optometry’s expanding scope. Dissertation research, UMI publications. 1999
    10. Eldred KB, and E Hoppe. Ethics in low vision rehabiltiation. Chapter in An optometrists’ guide to clinical ethics. RN Bailey and E Heitman, eds. St. Louis, American Optometric Association 2000; 133 – 146
    11. Hoppe E, Pensyl CD. Domestic violence: what eye care practitioners need to know. Diane A. Reich Productions, 2000 (video)
    12. Hoppe E, Pensyl CD. Eyeing abuse: preparing optometry students for their role in domestic violence intervention, Optometric Education, 2002 27(3):87-91
    13. Hoppe E, Nishimoto J. Outcomes of residency education: post-residency practice settings, Optometric Education, 2003; 28(3):104-7
    14. Hoppe E, Carnevali T, Dobies P. Characteristics of urban Hispanic diabetic patients presenting for eye care services, Optometry, 2003; 74:291-8
    15. Hoppe E. An invitation to Contribute, Optometric Education, 2005; 31(1):5
    16. Farra T, Hoppe E, Hutchison L, Scott C. Technology familiarity and use among entering optometry students, Optometric Education, 2006; 31(2):55-58
    17. Hoppe E. Educational technology – a new era in the scholarship of teaching, Optometric Education, 2006; 31(2):36
    18. Denial A, Hoppe E, Carlson N. Assessing cultural competency in optometric faculty, Optometric Education, 2006; 31(3):92-95
    19. The ISEE Research Group: Barker FM, Carlson NB, Denial A, Hoppe E, Jenkins LB, Lambreghts KA, Schultz B, Yaniglos S. Intercultural sensitivity: educating educators (ISEE) – training optometric faculty to educate students, Optometric Education, 2006; 31(3): 88-91
    20. Hoppe E, Frankel R. Optometrists as key providers in the prevention and early detection of malignancies. Optometry. 2006 Aug;77(8):397-404
    21. Hoppe E. Cultural awareness in optometric teaching and patient care, Optometric Education, 2006; 31(3):69
    22. Lambreghts KA, Schultz B, Barker FM, Carlson N, Denial A, Hoppe E, et al. Chief academic officer survey on teaching cultural competency in optometric education, Optometric Education, 2006; 31(3):84-87
    23. Hoppe E, Measuring teaching and learning outcomes, Optometric Education, 2006; 32(1):6
    24. Hoppe E, Developing and implementing an educational research agenda, Optometric Education, 2006; 32(2):36
    25. Hoppe E. The Great Optometric Smokeout, Review of Optometry, 2007 Sept; (09):144-146
    26. McGinley B, Carlson NB, Hoppe E, Instilling ethics in today’s optometry students, Optometric Education 2007; 32(2)
    27. Hoppe E, Defining and measuring success, Optometric Education, 2007; 32(3):68
    28. Register SJ, Hoppe E. Correlation between quantity of clinical experiences and NBEO clinical skills performance,Optometric Education, 2007; 32(3): 75-78
    29. McGinley B, Carlson N, Hoppe E. What were they thinking? Surveying study practices of entering students,Optometric Education, 2008; 33(2): 59 – 63
    30. Hoppe E. Focusing on Students, Optometric Education, 2008; 33(2):40
    31. Hoppe E. Thinking About Thinking, Optometric Education, 2008;33(3):81
    32. Hoppe E. Contemporary and Changing: Optometric Education in Context, Optometric Education, 2008; 34(1):7
    33. Hoppe E. Innovations in Teaching-Added Value to Education, Optometric Education, 2009; 34(2):45
    34. Hoppe E. Evidence –Based Education, Optometric Education, 2009; 34(3):91
    35. Hoppe E. The Times They Are a Changin’, Optometric Education, 2009; 35(1):8
    36. Jones-Jordan L, and E Hoppe, Putting research into clinical practice. Chapter in Optometric Care within the Public Health Community. S Block, J Whitener, WH McAlister, S Hatch, eds. Cadyville, NY, Old Post Publishing 2009; 1-53
    37. Hoppe E. My best day in optometric education: ask the next question. Optometric Education. 2010; 35(3):90
    38. Denial A, Hoppe E. A review of faculty perceptions, barriers and resources related to scholarly productivity. Optometric Education. 2012; 38(1): 21-31.