I am inspired by life and success. There are so many things in life that influence us and that we can influence. There are so many opportunities for us to learn from, grow from, readjust our ways of thinking, and strive to become better. The journey of life, the struggles that come with it, and learning how others continue to live their best lives are just some of the things that I will always be in awe of. When I witness others striving for success, be it academically or for their own wellbeing, I am inspired. Inspired by the efforts others put forward to succeed and inspired when individuals meet their goals. Being a part of LEAD allows me to be inspired every day.
Listening to music helps me better my mood, open up my thoughts, and refocus. I feel more confident, less stressed, and reassured after listening to music
Weight training and cardio training helps me feel that I am doing my best to maintain and improve my physical health. Also, I do find relief and success in being consistent with my workouts.
For me to really unwind and let go of the stressors of the day, I need a good laugh or two. I love listening to or watching standup comedy. I love the different viewpoints of everyday situations and being open to laughing at myself. In addition to the laughter, having my cats sit on my lap while I pet them are my moments of Zen.
I need time with my family and friends. Simply being a part of the conversations, sharing and receiving advice or help, and being reminded I am loved and reinforcing my love for others is something I need to do every day.
First and foremost, I do all I can to place my wife and kids first, something I feel I must do, and luckily for me, something I love to do. When I do have time for myself, I love working out, listening to and researching music (huge fan of hip hop!!), following sports (Raiders, Lakers, A’s and Mets, in that order), and cooking. The cooking part is a bit interesting because I was a vegetarian for 12 years while my wife and daughters were not, and now I have changed my diet to support my family’s dietary restrictions and health plan. So whole foods, no processed foods, gluten free… It’s hit or miss with the dishes I create, and I think I’ve created more hits than misses… or at least that’s what my loving family tells me.