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Rashelle Nagata,

Rashelle Nagata,

Learning Skills Specialist


Join year: 2023

  • Narrative


    I am inspired by the opportunity to cultivate joy, hope and empowerment in someone’s life. Drawing from my background in Occupational Therapy, my goal is to help others find their “just right” challenge, which is the optimal intersection of a person’s ability aligning with a task’s difficulty. Using a strengths-based perspective, I support those around me in recognizing their best attributes and generating solutions to overcome their challenges.


    MIND –

    Reading physical books that allow me to slow down, or listening to audio books while driving, helps me develop a greater understanding of myself, others, and the world around me. My favorite books currently are, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer, and “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” by Lori Gottlieb.

    BODY –

    Meal preparation, movement breaks and staying hydrated are my survival tactics. I like to fuel my body and brain with nutritious (and delicious) food to keep me energized throughout the day. I enjoy walking, hiking, or attending workout classes, though my motivation is always enhanced when having an accountability buddy to accompany me.

    SELF –

    I’ve always been known as a “cup-half-full” type of person, always seeing things from a positive perspective. In college I discovered joy and freedom from putting my faith in Jesus Christ and it felt as though my proverbial cup was overflowing. Now, I try to outpour the love I receive from God to everyone around me in hopes of mirroring the servant leadership that I see Jesus demonstrates throughout the Bible

    SOCIAL –

    In the Myers-Briggs Personality Test I believe I scored 98% in extroversion. Thus, spending time with people not only energizes me but is a necessity to my well-being. I share almost all my meals in the company of others, either in-person or over the phone. I love both forming new connections with anyone I meet, and intentionally investing in relationships that I desire to keep.


    I am a huge foodie, boba connoisseur and taste-tester for my partner’s cooking. I love hosting family and friends over for dinners, celebrations or spontaneous get togethers.

    If I am not eating, you can find me shopping for a good bargain at Costco, Aldi or Home Goods (mostly to enhance my eating experiences later).