Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM)
Practice the medicine of movement and fast track your path to surgical practice to give patients a strong, healthy foundation.Take the Next Step Request Information

Earn Your DPM at WesternU

Our Integrated DO/DPM Classes Set Us Apart
College of Podiatric Medicine & Student Success
Exceptional Match Rate
With a strong network of preceptors, WesternU’s residency match rate is 100% for the three-year residency in podiatric medicine and surgery—and has been for 11 years running.
Future-Minded Medical Foundation
Our use of technology goes above and beyond, with advanced simulators—including a VR operating room, medical simulation suite and 3D digital models—developed by CPM staff in conjunction with the campus education tech group.
Unparalleled Student Support
In addition to deeply committed faculty and staff mentors, WesternU’s student services includes the Learning Enhancement and Academic Development (LEAD) center with dedicated learning skills specialists, exam preparation, workshops, executive functioning skills, wellness support and more.
CPM Faculty Caring Mentors
WesternU’s students thrive in a hands-on, nurturing learning environment.

CPM Dean
“We see the potential in every student in our college—their curiosity and passion brings joy to our work each day.”

CPM Faculty
“My path to a surgical career started at WesternU. Now I am guiding others to reach their own goals.”

CPM Faculty
“We treat every CPM student doctor as a valued colleague from day one. Our culture of respect leads to more compassionate physicians.”
“Guiding future podiatric professionals has enriched both my mentees and myself, as every shared lesson and experience shapes not just careers but entire futures in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery.”
Board Certified, Podiatric Sports Medicine
College of Podiatric Medicine Student Preceptor

Accreditation Overview
Western University of Health Sciences is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The College of Podiatric Medicine is accredited by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) and the accreditation status is accreditation.
Accreditation is an indication of public approbation, attesting to the quality of the podiatric medical education program and the continued commitment of the institution to support the educational program. The Council is recognized as the professional institutional accrediting agency for podiatric medical education by the U. S. Department of Education and by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. For further information, please contact the Council on Podiatric Medical Education at the following address: Council on Podiatric Medical Education, 11400 Rockville Pike, Suite 220, Rockville, MD 20852.
The Podiatric Medicine profession is diverse and rewarding. At WesternU, you will find rigorous academic preparation and supportive faculty and peers. This is the place for you!
Get more information today and let us guide you through the application process.