Office of Sponsored Programs
Office of Sponsored Programs and Contract Management
The Office of Sponsored Programs and Contract Management (OSPCM) assists faculty, staff and students to obtain externally funded research and educational program support. We are the central source of information on major government agencies, foundations, and corporations that support research. We are here to provide assistance to faculty and staff from development and planning through implementation and post-award administration. Our services include assisting in identifying potential extramural funding sources; developing budgets; completion of applications and assuring compliance with all applicable federal and state regulations as well as assist in contract negotiations with corporations.
The OSPCM is divided into two major components: Pre-Award: that provides assistance to faculty and staff applying for external grant and contract support, ensuring the timely submission to meet all deadlines; and Post-Award: that establishes the grant, once awarded, in the University’s computerized operating system and assists in the daily monitoring and management of the financial aspects of the projects including preparing invoices for contracts, interim and final financial reports.
The OSPCM does not administer gifts to the University from individuals, foundations or corporations. These are obtained and managed through the University’s Advancement Office.
You may reach the Office of Sponsored Programs and Contract Management by calling +1 (909) 469-5567. The fax number is (909) 469-5569.
Matthew Katz, MHA
is Assistant Vice President of Sponsored Programs and Contract Management. Matt handles matters related to “pre-award”.
Please see also definitions, below or forms.
Matt can be reached via his email at mkatz@westernu.edu
You may also reach Matt and the Office of Sponsored Programs and Contract Management by calling +1 (909) 469-5567.
Traci Meyer-Acunzo
is Manager, Grants and Contracts Pre-Award and Compliance
You can reach Traci via email at tracim@westernu.eduor by calling +1 (909) 469-8457 or by fax at (909) 469-5569.
Linda Martinez
is Regulatory Compliance Coordinator with the Office for Sponsored Programs and Contract Management. You can reach Linda via email at lmartinez@westernu.eduor by phone at +1 (909) 469-5458.
Robin Barton
is a Grant Specialist with the Office for Sponsored Programs and Contract Management. You can reach Robin via email at rbarton@westernu.edu or by phone at +1 (909) 469-5458.
Financial or other support for a specific project being conducted under a Contract, Grant or Cooperative Agreement.
A written agreement under which the University conducts research, training, or other services. Specific obligations are generally imposed on all parties to the Contract and milestones and/or deliverables are often required.
A written agreement under which the University conducts research, training, public service or other services. Deliverables other than technical or financial reports are generally not required.
Funds (including cash, products, property, securities, life insurance contracts and other items of value) donated irrevocably for unrestricted or designated purposes by extramural individuals or organizations. Unlike sales and services activities, gifts do not involve contractual consideration–such as tangible property, intellectual property rights, or specified services–provided to the donors by the University.
Cooperative Agreement:
A version of a Grant in which the sponsor participates in the project along with University personnel.
Principal Investigator (PI):
A Western University of Health Sciences employee (typically an academic appointee) who has primary responsibility for the scientific and technical conduct, reporting, fiscal and programmatic administration of a Sponsored Project.
Sponsored Project:
A specific research, training, public service project or other program that receives support from external sponsors under a Contract, Grant, Cooperative Agreement or Subaward. Support may be in the form of funding, equipment or other material contributions.
Agreement that transfers to another organization a portion of the substantive work being conducted under a Contract, Grant or Cooperative Agreement.
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- Western University Subrecipient Form
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