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WesternU / Bursar / Services We Offer

Services We Offer

Please select below for information and details about the services we offer.

  • For Students
    • Establish and maintain student account records
    • Send out student account statements and perform other collection efforts
    • Authorize, process and disburse refunds for students and lenders
    • Complete and submit the annual 1098-Ts required for each student to the IRS
    • Assign and distribute student parking permits
    • Approve and disburse emergency loans
    • Receive and deposit all student payments
    • Monitor and maintain of federally funded loans and records, including Title IV and VII funds
  • For Inter-Campus
    • Process all university cash receipts and revenue (check, cash, credit cards)
    • Daily electronic banking deposit
    • Daily posting and journalizing of all transactions to the General Ledger


    • College deposits with college deposit forms are to be mailed to the Bursar’s Office for processing. Please anticipate a delay of 3 to 5 business days.
  • Refunds

    A student refund results in any unused funds for the student after all university charges have been paid and settled. The Bursar’s Office, as soon as funds are recorded on the student account, initiates and processes payment to the student and is usually issued the following day in the form an electronic fund transfer (EFT).

    A student refund may result from the following:

    • The student account shows a credit balance after all charges have been paid and settled;
    • Cancellation or reversal of charges which have been funded earlier; OR
    • Withdrawal, dismissal, or leave of absence
  • Parking Permits

    Student parking permits (annual and semester) must be purchased online and picked up at the Security Desk in the University Services Center. Daily parking placards can be purchased in person at the Campus Store.
    Parking is non-refundable. Any Lost/Stolen/Damaged parking permits cannot be replaced. Permits would have to be re-purchased at full price. When purchasing, please make note of the validity dates for each parking option to ensure the permit is valid for their vehicle and for the dates they will need to access campus parking.

  • Emergency Loans

    It is a short term loan granted to a qualified student, meeting the emergency criteria. Applications are approved by the Bursar s Office. Repayment is required within three months or upon receipt of any financial aid funds, whichever occurs first. A delinquency could be subject to a ‘collection hold’ status. Please see the Emergency Loan App Fillable form.

  • Tax Credits

    The Hope Scholarship and the Lifetime Learning credits are determined by the amount a taxpayer (student) paid for qualified tuition and related expenses and the amount of his/her modified adjusted gross income for the same taxable year. Please consult a qualified tax preparer, CPA, or IRS online for further interpretation and understanding.

  • Electronic 1098Ts Will Be Available on BanWeb

    Electronic 1098T will be processed by ECSI

    • These forms will be available by January 31- ECSI On-Line.
    • ECSI 1098T portal can be accessed anytime, ECSI On-Line.
    • If you believe the tuition information contained on your 1098T is incorrect, please update the information within ECSI web portal or contact the Bursar’s Office.
    • These statements will be available for the calendar years in which your tuition was assessed. You will no longer receive a 1098T once you have ceased tuition charges.
    • Non-resident aliens will not be issued 1098-T’s unless requested through the completion of a W-9 form.
    • Students can request a paper 1098T from ECSI or by printing from the link in their ECSI email notification that the 1098T is available after January 31.
  • New Loan Servicer

    Please be aware that WesternU has changed loan servicers and will now be using ECSI, Inc. If your loans are in a grace period or repayment, please feel free to contact them:

    (888) 549-ECSI (3274)