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In Fall of 2022, The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) awarded the Western University of Health Sciences College of Graduate Nursing (CGN) a federal grant to create and deliver the Western University Faculty Academy for Region 9 (WU-FAR9), a formal nurse education training curriculum used to train clinical nursing faculty and preceptors. CGN partnered with the Benner Institute at HealthImpact, Inc. and San Antonio Regional Hospital (Upland, CA) to provide the Benner Institute Clinical Faculty and Educator (CFE) Certificate Program for FREE across Public Health Region 9.

WU-FAR9 is now offering the Benner Institute Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program.

The WU-FAR9 will run from 2023 through 2026. Please view the CFE Certificate Program and NP Certificate Program web pages for more information on curriculum and schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should Program Directors attend?

    The information is beneficial to all. WU-FAR believes that clinical faculty would benefit your program and bring the greatest value.  As Director/Dean, you have final approval of who represents your program. 

  • What if I don’t have a clinical partner but have willing faculty?

    WU-FAR9 would ask that you again reach out and find individuals from your clinical site. The program was designed to benefit clinical faculty and those who encounter your students in the clinical agency. If you cannot meet the current dates, there will be other course dates. Please continue to check this webpage for additional dates. 

  • Are there extra costs or hidden costs?

    Through generous support from HRSA, the individuals you select are offered virtual attendance at no cost. Your individuals will not be asked to pay additional fees for the CEU certificate. 

  • What if I have more than 2 faculty who would benefit from this program?

    Please email for guidance. 

  • I have my QUAD, how do I complete the registration process?

    Once you selected your cohort date, please contact Your QUAD will be provided a registration code for the program. 

  • Since this is an HRSA grant, what outcome data will you need from the QUAD?

    QUAD participants will complete a registration form that captures demographic information. That information will be reported in aggregate on annual reports.  

  • Are there other learning opportunities?

    In years 2-4 of the grant, WU-FAR9 will host two regional in-person, train-the-trainer meetings.  These meetings are intended for graduates of the CFE program to learn how to be a facilitator of the program within their nursing program and clinical agencies. Watch for these announcements.  The meetings will occur within each of the states in Region 9. 

  • Acknowledgment

    The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) supports WU FAR9 through Grant # 1 T1QHP47320 – 01- 00

    HRSA LogoHealthImpact

  • Vacancies

    Student Success Counselor

    The Student Success Counselor is a MSN-prepared Registered Nurse who works with students, healthcare faculty, professional staff, and other program personnel to enhance and facilitate the progression and graduation of students in the MSN-Entry Program. In addition, the Student Success Counselor strives to ensure the highest levels of student outcomes and program satisfaction are achieved. The Student Success Counselor will also hold an appointment as an Assistant Professor, and will teach in the MSN-Entry Program.

  • A man stands speaking at the front of a lecture hall, flanked by two people. The audience is seated, and slides on two screens read

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