1. Education | Goal: | WesternU delivers leading-edge academic programs and degrees that meet the health professional and health care needs of the future by: 1) fully integrating interprofessional education and evaluation; 2) translating basic science into clinical and biomedical applications; 3) applying innovative models and technologies; 4) focusing on responsibility-centered, outcomes-based learning; and, 5) offering excellence in post-graduate and continuing education. | ||
Objectives | 1.1 | Define and develop comprehensive and innovative pedagogical models for health sciences education that incorporate collaboration, integrated active learning, and outcomes- and evidence-based evaluation, and that create and utilize appropriate advanced technologies for sharing and gathering information, meeting all accreditation requirements. | ||
1.2 | Negotiating as a University, strengthen and expand clinical education programs and provide placement services to ensure all of our graduates have appropriate access to high-quality clinical education and employment opportunities. | |||
1.3 | Enhance the diversity of the faculty and student body such that it is reflective of, and responsive to, the diversity of backgrounds and populations served, and increase access to health sciences education in underserved and under-represented populations. | |||
1.4 | Elevate the academic reputation of WesternU to improve the caliber of student applicant pools and attract and retain high-quality faculty. | |||
1.5 | Continue to conduct feasibility studies to seek opportunities to establish new campuses, and/or new graduate or non-graduate programs at both Pomona and Lebanon that, when appropriate, include both academic and patient care operations. |
2. Health Care | Goal: | WesternU includes a model collaborative health care enterprise that is fiscally sustainable and that contributes non-tuition income to operations. This enterprise serves the growing populations of our local and regional communities by providing the best outcomes to attain the greatest value for our patients/clients. | ||
Objectives | 2.1 | Strengthen and promote the Patient Care Center and all other health care enterprises, focusing on business-smart models and innovative patient care approaches. | ||
2.2 | Grow teaching faculty without increasing student tuition by hiring faculty/clinicians who generate practice-driven revenues; establish a practice plan. | |||
2.3 | Assess and establish plans to meet the patient-driven needs in the regions around Pomona and Lebanon, based on growing populations (well and frail older adults), primary care needs, and chronic conditions (e.g., arthritis) representing high-cost expenditures of interest to funding agencies in a variety of settings and formats, including patient education that uses mobile technology available anytime/anywhere. | |||
2.4 | Fully build out and promote the Western Diabetes Institute. |
3. Research | Goal: | WesternU is an applied research institution that is a recognized leader in interdisciplinary and interprofessional health-related research, with a fiscally sustainable research enterprise that contributes to the overall University mission. | ||
Objectives | 3.1 | Create a translational research program (bench-to-bedside results) that produces tangible impact within a 24-month cycle and that begins to generate our stated revenue goals. | ||
3.2 | Develop alternative sources of revenue and industry partnerships resulting in the stated revenue goals. | |||
3.3 | Enhance inter-organizational collaboration for bench, translational, and clinical research. | |||
3.4 | Expand the University’s capacity to conduct health policy research. | |||
3.5 | Pursue training models that foster translational research. |
4. IPE, P & R | Goal: | WesternU is lauded as a leader in Interprofessional Education in all areas of its endeavors: academics, health care, research enterprises, and institutional structure. | ||
Objectives | 4.1 | Expand clinical simulation capacity, develop Interprofessional Practice (IPP) faculty training and continuing education, organize an annual symposium, and fully build out behavior and patient health outcomes research, to lead toward the establishment of a national leadership Institute for Interprofessional Education, Practice and Research (IPE, P & R). | ||
4.2 | Investigate programmatic opportunities and creative partnerships that would fully embody and inculcate interprofessional education and collaboration throughout the University’s academics, health care enterprises, research, and operations. | |||
4.3 | Establish an engaging identity for WesternU regarding Interprofessional Education, Practice and Research as demonstrated throughout the University, and communicate WesternU’s achievements in this area. |
5. Financial | Goal: | WesternU is financially healthy and stable with: 1) new non-tuition sources of revenue; 2) net positive returns in health care services and research activity without tuition support; 3) net surpluses that are reinvested in University growth and stability; 4) healthy endowments and scholarship funds. | ||
Objectives | 5.1 | Identify and capitalize on new sources of non-tuition revenue in the areas of advancement, research activity, health care services, and other endeavors, resulting in new revenues contributing 15% of gross revenue by fiscal year ending 2019*, with a longer-term goal of 20% of gross revenue. | ||
5.2 | Achieve an annual gross revenue goal for health care service enterprises of $20 million by fiscal year ending 2019*, with a longer-term annual gross revenue goal of $30 million. | |||
5.3 | By 2019*, grow scholarship awards from $520,000 to $1 million annually. | |||
5.4 | By 2019*, generate enough revenue annually on an operating level resulting in a net surplus of 6% of the University’s gross revenue, such that the University can create reserves to contribute to the investment pool for new initiatives. | |||
5.5 | By 2019*, grow the University permanent endowment from $5 million to $10 million. |
* Since the Strategic Plan was finalized in May of 2014, the plan period now ends in 2019 and target dates have been adjusted accordingly.
6. Internal Fitness | Goal: | WesternU embodies a high level of internal fitness with the ability to respond nimbly, strong financial and human resources, and the capability to produce positive impacts in our communities. | ||
Objectives | 6.1 | Optimize current academic and business processes through improved deployment of existing financial and human resources. | ||
6.2 | Strengthen our human resources for current and future success through the growth and development of our people, including the creation of succession plans for the University and every college or unit. | |||
6.3 | Address constraints on existing infrastructure and growth at the Pomona campus (parking, land, facilities/space, etc.) through better use of space and expansion of real estate holdings or city-sponsored development. | |||
6.4 | Continue to improve WesternU’s ability to nimbly respond to current and future needs by broadening or streamlining, as appropriate, the capacity and effectiveness of its operations to provide services through collaborative communication, planning and decision-making. | |||
6.5 | Create and implement a comprehensive marketing and communication plan covering all university activities; enhance the inward and outward expression of WesternU’s identity, capabilities, and positive impact on the lives of our stakeholders and communities through internal and external identity and awareness building. |
7. Community Engagement |
Goal: | WesternU improves the quality of life in our campus communities by addressing health-based barriers to human potential, improving access to health sciences education and other community needs. | ||
Objectives | 7.1 | Improve WesternU’s understanding of unmet needs in Pomona, Lebanon and surrounding communities for health care, education, volunteers, and facilities/meeting space, and centrally coordinate programs designed to meet those needs while ensuring that all community outreach that does not serve student educational needs and goals is funded by non-tuition revenues. | ||
7.2 | Engage in health policy deliberations at the regional, state (both Oregon and California), and national levels. | |||
7.3 | Become a vital partner for redevelopment of our campus communities, and expand our community partnerships to deliver mutually beneficial services for internal and external constituents. | |||
7.4 | Address human, animal, and environmental health, beginning with an on-campus wellness center with a “healthy” restaurant and a fitness center open to students, faculty/staff and the local community, then expand to include an environmental fitness plan for the University. |