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WesternU fosters a welcoming and supportive community environment for students with disabilities

While the University cannot provide a totally barrier-free environment, it does provide students with disabilities access to its programs and activities. Thus, while not every academic and nonacademic building is fully accessible, sufficient access exists to allow students with disabilities the equal opportunity to participate in the academic and social life of the University.


door handle, push to open. 

Revised description: A push to open door handle.

Facilities and Construction

New construction will comply with the guidelines and regulations set forth in Section 504, Title 234 and relevant state and local building codes. The primary standards for such construction are derived from the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS, 1984), the Amended Architectural Barriers Act (1984), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design (Standards, 2010).

The University endeavors to employ the most barrier-free design and materials in new construction to provide superior access to the functions and programs that take place in new facilities. The University’s goal is to ensure full accessibility and usability of its new buildings.

The renovation and alteration of existing facilities will comply with Section 504 and applicable federal regulations, as well as relevant state and local codes, to enhance program accessibility. The University recognizes that Section 504 does not require structural changes to existing facilities where other methods are effective in achieving overall accessibility to the programs and services of the University.

Any renovation or alteration will, to the maximum extent feasible, be pursued in a way that makes the renovated or altered portion of the building accessible to a student with a disability. However, the design of many existing facilities makes it impractical or prohibitively expensive to renovate or alter them in such a way as to make them barrier-free.
parking, blue, building.

Campus Parking

Students may purchase a WesternU Student annual or semester vehicle/motorcycle parking permit for Western University student parking lots and the parking structure (see campus map linked below). Bicycles may be parked in the bicycle racks next to the Health Professions Center and the Health Education Center without a permit.  Motorcycle parking is located behind the University Services Center and marked spaces in the University Parking Structure.  Please refer to the Student Parking page for parking lot hours.

Disabled Parking: Persons with “accessible” (disabled) placards may park in any WesternU lot with a valid WesternU parking permit.

Bicycles may be parked in the bicycle racks next to the Health Professions Center, the Health Educations Center, and CDHP without a permit.

Report an Issue

If you require assistance or wish to report an accessibility or usability issue, please use this form to contact us. CDHP will forward the issue to the appropriate department for review.