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WesternU / About WesternU / Governance / Academic Senate

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate is a representative committee of the Academic Assembly. In discharging this function, the Academic Senate has the authority to conduct studies, make reports and recommendations on all matters which have a significant bearing on the work of this faculty. The Academic Senate is a channel of communication between the Academic Assembly and administration of the University.

ARTICLE I – Senators
The Academic Senate consists of members elected by secret ballot. These members are elected from the existing Colleges based on the number of faculty members in those Colleges.    

The term of office will be three years with staggered terms. 

Any member of the Academic Senate may be re-elected. 

Each College will also elect to a three-year term one alternate member to the Academic Senate who will attend meetings and serve in the absence of one of the College’s senators. 

The Academic Senate will hold a minimum of eight meetings per academic year on an established monthly schedule, August through May. Special meetings of the Academic Senate may be called at the request of any faculty member. Approved minutes of each meeting are distributed to the Faculty and all administrative officers of the University. Any faculty member may submit agenda items to the Chair of the Academic Senate for consideration by the Academic Senate.