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National Resources

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National disability associations are very diverse in both their aims and in their activities on global, national, and local issues. Explore several disability-related associations that focus on disability issues, specific disability conditions, services, employment, and rights. For more information, select the name of the association from the list below, to visit their website.

National Resources

National Disability Associations are very diverse in both their aims and in their activities on global, national, and local issues. Below is a listing of several disability-related associations that focus on disability issues, specific disability conditions, services, employment, and rights. For more information, click on the name of the association in blue font as it is hyperlinked to their website.


AbilityNet is a UK based charity that offers free online resources to anyone who wishes to help individuals with disabilities access digital technology. Help includes free tech support and information, accessibility training, support in the workplace, workplace training and guidance on setting up your own computer.

Affordable Colleges Online

Affordable Colleges assists prospective and current students explore degrees and programs, financial aid options, and other student resources.

American Council of the Blind

American Council of the Blind assists people who are visually impaired or blind with resources like peer support, jobs, scholarships, and legal advocacy.

American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association assists persons with diabetes with tools and support such as copay relief programs, devices and technology, insulin cost and affordability.

American Stroke Association

The American Stroke Association offers help and support to individuals who have suffered a stroke. Available support includes financial resources, caregiver support, healthy living and eating, post stroke care, stroke rehab, and other services. They also provide information on how to recognize the signs of a stroke.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities government website provides guidance and resources, laws, regulations and standards, and instructions on how to file a complaint. The website features relevant and trending topics to assist people with understanding their rights and the rights of others.

Anxiety & Depression Association of America

Anxiety & Depression Association of America provides information and resources to people experiencing depression, anxiety disorders, stress, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder and much more. Other resources include free webinars, treatment options, online and in person peer supports groups.

Association of Higher Education and Disability

Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) provides professionals who work with persons with disabilities the resources they need to create an inclusive and equitable higher education experience. Throughout the year, AHEAD provides professional development opportunities such as webinars, conferences, and workshops.

BeeLine Reader

BeeLine Reader applies an eye-guiding color gradient to text to assist people experiencing screen fatigue. Student discount pricing is available.


Bookshare offers people with dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, and other reading impairments the ability to customize text to their needs. Customization includes but is not limited to high quality audio, follow along highlighted text, and speed, font, and color adjustment.

Brain Injury Association of America

The Brain Injury Association of America provides information on brain injury diagnosis and treatment, community support, research, and legal issues. Guidance is also available to those seeking information on how to become a caregiver or are already a caregiver to someone experiencing a brain injury.


Brainline aids individuals with a brain traumatic injury (TBI).  Assistance includes managing symptoms, treatment, and recovery, legal and finances, community support and local resources.

Center for Applied Rehabilitation Technology

Health Services Los Angeles County assists children and adults with disabilities gain access to assistive technology tools through their Center for Applied Rehabilitation Technology (CART). CART consultants work with individuals and their families on finding the best device to match the individual’s needs and system functionality.

College Accessibility for Students with Disabilities

The Best Colleges website provides a list of scholarships and financial aid available to students with disabilities. The website provides detailed information on each scholarship, its requirements to be eligible, and how to apply.

College Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

Best Colleges provides a resource guide for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Resources include college, career, and financial planning. In addition, the website provides information on different types of accommodations, assistive technology, and mobile applications.

College Resources for Students with Disabilities

This guide outlines some college disability resources and how students with disabilities can benefit from them.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders. Wellness and support groups are available across the country.

Disability Language Style Guide

The National Center on Disability and Journalism offers a Disability Language Style Guide to assist communicators on universally accepted terminology when referring to people with disabilities.

Disabled American Veterans

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) provides veterans with life-changing services such as disaster relief, employment, medical benefits, and support for veteran families and survivors.

International Dyslexia Association

The International Dyslexia Association provides educational information to individuals and professionals on dyslexia. Resources available include a dyslexia handbook and fact sheet, free conference recordings, and local provider networks.

Job Accommodation Network

The Job Accommodation Network is a resource for employees and employers who need guidance on workplace accommodations and implementation. In addition, they provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance assistance.

Learning Ally

Learning Ally is an organization that assists individuals and their families with managing literacy barriers. Learning Ally helps people who are blind, visually impaired, or dyslexic. Aid includes assistance with dyslexia testing audio books, assistive technology, and self-advocacy.

Learning Disabilities Association of America

The Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) provides a list of various organizations who focus on various learning disabilities. Some of the organizations focus on ADHD, legal issues, instructional strategies, medical providers, childcare, and parent resource networks.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid from National Council for Mental Wellbeing provides courses to people looking to assist individuals experiencing mental illness or substance abuse disorders. Some courses offered include First Aide for Public Safety, Tribal Communities, and Indigenous Peoples.

National Association of the Deaf

The National Association of the Deaf aids deaf and hard of hearing individuals and their families. Some of the resources available assist with advocacy letters, early intervention, employment, fair housing, and Civil Rights Law.

National Center for Learning Disabilities

The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) advocates for people with disabilities through local and national policy creation and remediation. NCLD also assists students with disabilities transitioning from high school to college or from high school to work. In addition, they provide scholarship opportunities to students and leaders.

National Minority Health Association

The National Minority Health Association is an organization focused on equalizing healthcare accessibility within marginalized communities. They provide a wide range of resources such as affordable health insurance assistance, Medicare/Medicaid application assistance, grants for single mothers, senior discounts, lab, and blood testing services.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society provides information and support to individuals and their families experiencing Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The website helps people find local support, care needs, doctors, library, and education programs.

National Prevention Information Network

The National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) helps connect people with HIV and other medical conditions with local and national resources. Resources include educational materials, testing and provider search tools, and funding opportunities.

Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America

The Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) is focused on improving persons with disabilities wellness by using assistive technology. Their knowledge section provides information on government relations, university programs, and job boards.

Stethoscope Comparison Table

The Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses provides a stethoscope comparison table to assist deaf and hard-of-hearing healthcare professionals to find a stethoscope that best suits their needs.

United Cerebral Palsy National

United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) provides resources to individuals, their families and people wishing to learn more about cerebral palsy. UCP provides information and assistance with healthcare, safety, travel, wellness, housing, and disability etiquette.