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WesternU / Registrar / Registration


2024/2025 Registration Information

Registration for all terms will take place online via the student Once you’ve logged in, expand the Personal Info and Student Record section of the Quick Links menu, then click on the ‘Register for Classes’ link to start the registration process.

Your username for the student My Portal is the same as the characters to left of the @ symbol in your WesternU e-mail address. For example, if your e-mail address is, your username for the Student Portal is eli.lucian. Your password is the same as your WesternU e-mail account password. If you are an incoming student, you should have received your WesternU e-mail address and account information via your application status page. If you have not received your WesternU e-mail account information, please contact our office at 909-469-5491 or at

Registration dates, class start dates, proof of health insurance deadlinestuition due dates and the financial aid disbursement schedule are also provided in your registration notification e-mail. Please be sure to review these dates to ensure you comply with all posted deadlines. Students must register by the deadlines posted for their class/year.

Students registering after the posted deadline will be assessed a $30.00 per business day late fee.

  • Appealing Registration Late Fees

    Registration is an important function, especially for graduate and professional students. Not only does it inform the University that you plan to return for the upcoming semester, it also sets in motion the receipt and disbursement of any financial aid you may be receiving and ensures that you are covered by the University’s liability insurance. This is important to the institution, but is more crucial for you as a student, which is why the University established a late registration fee of $30.00 per business day.

    If you are assessed late fees for a registration period, you may submit an appeal to the University Registrar. Your appeal should include the reason you were unable to meet the registration deadline for your class/year. All appeals must be received no later than 10 business days after the first day of classes for your program/year for the term in question. Appeals must be submitted through the Late Registration Fee Appeal Service Request.