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Program Goals

ARC-PA mandatory disclosure regarding probation accreditation status.

At its March 2023 meeting, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA) placed the Western University of Health Sciences Physician Assistant Program sponsored by Western University of Health Sciences on Accreditation-Probation status until its next review in March 2025.

Probation accreditation is a temporary accreditation status initially of not less than two years. However, that period may be extended by the ARC-PA for up to an additional two years if the ARC-PA finds that the program is making substantial progress toward meeting all applicable standards but requires additional time to come into full compliance. Probation accreditation status is granted, at the sole discretion of the ARC-PA, when a program holding an accreditation status of Accreditation – Provisional or Accreditation – Continued does not, in the judgment of the ARC-PA, meet the Standards or when the capability of the program to provide an acceptable educational experience for its students is threatened.

Once placed on probation, a program that fails to comply with accreditation requirements in a timely manner, as specified by the ARC-PA, may be scheduled for a focused site visit and is subject to having its accreditation withdrawn.

Specific questions regarding the Program and its plans should be directed to the Program Director and/or the appropriate institutional official(s).

The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website.

Physician Assistant Education Department Goal Achievements

  • Medical Knowledge

    Medical Knowledge Goal: Physician Assistant Graduates must demonstrate medical knowledge by successful passage of the PANCE at a 90% or higher pass rate for first time test takers.

    Prepare PA students for successful passage of the PANCE:
    Benchmark: PANCE Performance for first time test takers be at or above the 90% percentile.

    Criteria Cohort 2019 Nat’l Ave. Cohort 2020 Nat’l Ave Cohort 2021 Nat’l Ave Cohort 2022 Nat’l
    Cohort 2023 Nat’l Ave
    PANCE Performance of 1st time test takers 85% 93% 91% 95% 92% 93% 79% 92% 81% 92%

    Student Graduation Survey: Graduates assessed the PA didactic courses as foundational experiences for student clinical preparation.
    Benchmark:  90% of graduates surveyed should either agree or strongly agree that the PA courses provided foundational knowledge for clinical experiences.

    Criteria % of 2020 cohort who agreed or strongly agreed. % of 2021 cohort who agreed or strongly agreed. % of 2022 cohort who agreed or strongly agreed. % of 2023 cohort who agreed or strongly agreed
    Student were provided with courses that provided foundation knowledge for clinical experience 87 % 100% 100% 98%

    The Physician Assistant Education program failed to meet all benchmarks in medical knowledge for the cohorts of 2019, 2022, and 2023.  Appropriate reports were filed with ARC-PA.  Action plan outcomes are currently being monitored for trending by the Program’s Data Analysis Committee.  However, the graduates surveyed indicate  that the medical knowledge gained in the Physician Assistant courses provided foundational knowledge for clinical experiences.

  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills

    Interpersonal and Communication Skills Goal: Demonstrate appropriate usage of interpersonal and communication skills with patients.

    Communication:  Summative evaluation measurement of student communication skills
    The benchmark in 2023 is for the cohort to average a minimum of 3.5/5 in interpersonal skills (communication) from the summative exam, prior the benchmark was 3.0.

    Communication Graduate survey:  How confident is the graduate in demonstrating interpersonal and communication skills.
    The benchmark in 2023 is for the cohort to average a minimum of 3.5/5, prior the benchmark was 3.0.

    Criteria 2020 cohort 2021 cohort 2022 cohort 2023 cohort
    Summative exam average Likert Score for communication and interpersonal skills. 4.08 4.54 4.75 average 4.8 average
    Graduate Survey average percent confident in interpersonal and communication skills 3.80 4.03 4.16 4.17

    The Physician Assistant Education Program has met its benchmarks for the 2020 through 2023 cohort.

  • Clinical and Technical Skills (Patient Care Knowledge)

    Clinical and Technical Skills (Patient Care Knowledge): To show adequate knowledge in clinical and technical stills, 90% of the students in each cohort will earn grades of B or higher in second year rotations and the second year clinical course, Senior Seminar III.

    All students should earn passing grades in Clinical rotations.
    Benchmark (2023):  Less than 10% of the students in a cohort will earn rotation grades of C or less.

    All students should earn passing grades in the didactic courses.
    Benchmark (2023): less than 10% of the students in a cohort will earn a Senior Seminar III course grade of C or less.

    Criteria 2020 cohort 2021 cohort 2022 cohort 2023 cohort
    Percentage of students earning grades of C or less in rotations 8.4% 4.4%






    Percentage of cohort students earning grade of C or less in Senior Seminar III 12.7% – C

    1.1% – no pass

    20.9% – C

    3.3% – no pass

    40.0% – C

    10.5% – no pass


    16.5% – C

    2.2% -no pass

    While the Physician Assistant Education program met benchmarks for less than 10% of students in a cohort will earn rotation grades of C or less, the percentage of students receiving C or less grades in Senior Seminar III was not met.  This information is being presented to the Program’s curriculum committee for review and development of action plans.

  • Professional Behaviors

    Professional Behaviors Goal: Physician Assistant cohorts must demonstrate professionalism with patients.

    Students must demonstrate professionalism during the mock exams.
    Benchmark:  The cohort of students must average a professionalism Likert score of 3.5/5.0 during a mock examination.

    Students must demonstrate professionalism during their rotations:
    Benchmark:  The cohort of students must average a professionalism Likert score of 3.5 / 5.0 in their preceptor rotation evaluations.

    Criteria 2020 cohort 2021 cohort 2022 cohort 2023 cohort
    Summative Exam – averaged mock examination cohort scores for professionalism 4.8 4.8






    Preceptor Evaluations: Averaged professional ratings of a cohort of students. 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9

    The Physician Assistant Education program meets the benchmarks for the professionalism goal for four cohorts.

  • Clinical Reasoning and Problem Solving

    Clinical Reasoning and Problem Solving: Physician Assistant cohorts must demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills.

    Students must demonstrate critical thinking when deriving a diagnosis in their summative OSCE/POP.
    Benchmark:  The cohort of students must average a Likert score of 3.5/5.0 during a mock examination where a five represents the appropriate diagnoses, a three represents a possible differential diagnosis, and a one represents an incorrect diagnosis.

    Graduate Survey: The graduate assesses the extent to which critical thinking skills learned in the program assist in decision making in their daily practice.
    Benchmark:  The cohort of graduates must average a Likert score of 3.5 / 5.0 in this assessment of critical thinking.  Prior to 2023 the benchmark was 3.0.

    Criteria 2020 cohort 2021 cohort 2022 cohort 2023 cohort
    Summative POP – averaged mock examination deriving a correct diagnosis 4.7 4.9 4.9
    Graduate surveys: Averaged professional ratings of a cohort of students. 3.51 4.06 3.89 3.97

    The Physician Assistant Education program meets the benchmarks set for critical thinking.

  • Western University Physician Assistant Program Highlights

    From the Physician Assistant Alumni:

    • 1 became a California Academy of Physician Assistants (CAPA) President
    • 2 became California elected CAPA Student Representative Board Member
    • 3 became CAPA elected Board members
    • 1 became a Florida State PA Academy President
    • 1 became a member of the California Physician Assistant Committee

    From the Physician Assistant Faculty:

    • 2 became CAPA presidents
    • 1 became CAPA vice president
    • 4 became CAPA board members
    • 5 became involved in various AAPA committees or subcommittees
    • 8 have presented CME lectures or workshops at AAPA, CAPA or PAEA
  • Over 1500
    graduates since 1990
    Master of Science Degrees conferred
    PA Certificates conferred
    WesternU Pomona campus during sunset with HEC and the Daumier prominent.