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WesternU / College of Health Sciences / MSPAS Program / Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Contained herein are policies pertaining to students and faculty within the Department of Physician Assistant Education further referred to as the PA program. Students in the PA program are bound to the policies in the University Catalog and College of Health Sciences (CHS) MSPAS Catalog. The policies in the PA Program Catalog, which are listed below, apply to all students, faculty, and staff in the WesternU PA Program regardless of one’s location or time in the program. During the clinical year, specific clinical sites may have policies that supersede University and/or PA Program Policies.

Additional Policies

No Soliciting for Clinical Sites / Preceptors (A3.03)

  • The program makes all decisions with regard to rotation assignments, content and sequencing. The Physician Assistant Program reserves the right to modify the referenced rotation assignments in accordance with accreditation standards, preceptor availability, clinical site resources and program need.
  • Students are permitted to identify a potential preceptor outside of the established PA Program network. Students may then provide contact information for the potential preceptor. The Clinical Coordinator will contact the site to inquire about the interest and appropriateness of the site. Once the site is vetted via phone, a site visit will be made by a member of the Clinical Year Team to determine if the site meets expectations as an acceptable clinical experience. Refer to the Clinical Education Handbook for process on vetting preceptors.
  • Family members are not allowed to serve as a preceptor for a student enrolled within the Physician Assistant Program. The provider (relative) may serve as a preceptor for other enrolled students within the PA Program.
  • Students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors. The Physician Assistant program is responsible for the coordination of all Clinical Sites and Preceptors.

Program Faculty as Healthcare Providers Policy (A3.09)

The Physician Assistant Program Director, Associate Program Director, Medical Director, Principal faculty and/or Instructional faculty are prohibited from participating as health care providers for students in the Program, except in an emergency situation.

Medical Emergency

Injury and illness are the most common of all campus-related emergencies. If a serious injury or illness occurs, remain calm and proceed as follows:

Call 911 from any phone. If a cell phone is used, please call campus security at 909-706-3000 to report the incident. If a campus phone was used to make the 911 call, the University has a reverse 911 system which will immediately notify Campus Security on where the call originated.

The 911 operator will ask you for the following information:

  • Your name.
  • The nature and severity of the medical problem.
  • The campus location of the victim.
  • An estimated age and gender of the victim.
  • Whether or not the victim is conscious and breathing.
  • If victim has an emergency medical ID and if so, give all information to the security officer or 911 dispatcher.
  • Administer first aid to the extent possible based on your level of training.

In case of minor injury or illness, an injured employee may go to Kaiser on the Job or to the nearest urgent care facility.

All injuries must be reported via the on-line incident report form. Notify security at ext. 3000 from any campus phone or from any other type of phone call 909-706-3000.

Safety on Clinical Sites and Campus (A1.02g)

Site Safety Information

For their own safety and protection students must inquire about safety precautions at the clinical site on the first day of their rotations. Students should be aware of/about the following: fire exits, stairwells, emergency equipment placement, hazardous material disposal containers, building security, parking security, universal precautions procedures, evacuation plan and location of emergency phone numbers list.

Student Safety and Security

Student safety and security is of utmost importance while on clinical rotations. The program conducts routine site visits to evaluate the safety of students at clinical sites. If an incident occurs where the student finds themselves in immediate danger, the student must clearly communicate distress by any means possible, remove themselves from the situation, and call 911. If at any time while on clinical rotations a student feels that the rotation site is unsafe, the student must contact the Clinical Education Manager or Clinical Education Faculty immediately by telephone, text, or email. This includes any form of harassment or bullying behaviors. The program investigates all concerns or allegations promptly.

Students should exercise good judgment while on clinical rotations regarding their safety. Please practice the following common-sense measures while at all rotation sites:

  1. Leave laptops, iPads, and other valuables at home, unless required at a clinical site.
  2. Do not carry large amounts of money or credit cards.
  3. Be sure to lock your car when you park and exit the car. If you are in a large parking structure, take a picture of the section where you parked so you are not wandering to find your vehicle.
  4. Pay attention to the surroundings. Avoid shortcuts through isolated areas. Be alert to potential hazards. If necessary, call hospital security for an escort.
  5. If you see unusual activity or someone loitering, call hospital security immediately.
  6. Park in well-lit areas and do not walk alone to/from parking areas at night. Use the escorts/shuttles provided by the hospitals. If you are working an odd shift, always call security to walk you out or ask someone in the clinic. Don’t take any unnecessary risks please!
  7. In the event of any problems or conflicts at a clinical site, students should attempt initially to work out any minor problems with their preceptor or supervisor. If students still perceive a problem in any area of the experience, including personality conflicts, communication issues, supervision, or inadequacy of the learning experience, they should contact the Clinical Education Department.

Student Service Referral Policy (A3.10)

A student referral policy to student services is designed to ensure that students receive timely (responses will occur within 48 hours, sooner if request is deemed emergent) and appropriate support for academic, behavioral, emotional, or social challenges they may be facing.

Students may be referred if they exhibit:

  • Consistent poor academic performance
  • Behavioral issues (e.g., frequent disruptions, defiance, or aggression)
  • Emotional distress (e.g., anxiety, depression, trauma)
  • Chronic absenteeism or tardiness
  • Signs of substance abuse or risky behavior
  • Physical or health-related concerns affecting their school performance
  • Food or housing insecurity

All referrals are confidential, and information will be shared only with individuals directly involved in providing services to the student.

Points of contact:

  • Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Karen Hutton Lopez, ; 909-469-5650
  • Program Director, Dr. Amber Singletary, ; 909-469-5378
  • Associate Program Director, Meghna Patel, ; 909-469-5378