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WesternU / College of Pharmacy / Academic Programs / Clinical Experience

Clinical Experience

In the third and fourth years students complete seven six-week clinical rotations, plus an advanced elective clinical. WesternU is the only school of pharmacy with this special 16-week advanced elective component requirement.

The advanced elective is a capstone experience that gives you advanced training in your anticipated career. For example, we’ve had students interested in opening independent pharmacies develop business plans, while others have completed ‘mini-residencies’ or conducted major research projects.

Rotation Sites

With 350 rotation sites and 750 preceptors, we provide a wide range of rotation options to our students.

Sites include: private hospitals, county hospitals, Veterans Administration hospitals, military hospitals, long-term-care facilities, rehabilitation hospitals, compounding pharmacies, managed care facilities, psychiatric facilities, children’s hospitals, chain drug stores, and independently-owned pharmacies.

Although most students rotate through Southern California sites, some have had clinical experiences In Hawaii, Illinois, New York, Arizona, Utah and even Thailand.

Required Rotations
Length Setting
6 weeks Ambulatory Care Externship (outpatient pharmacy)
6 weeks Ambulatory Care Clinical (ambulatory care clinic)
6 weeks Institutional Medicine (inpatient hospital-round with doctors)
6 weeks Advanced Pharmacy Practice Elective
6 weeks Advanced Pharmacy Practice Elective
16 weeks Advanced Elective (clinical research, community, independent business plan, or pharmaceutical research)
MSPS Student Kevin Ventocilla works with his advisor, Assoiciate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. David Sanchez, to analyze the outcomes of an experiment that shows the how different HIV genes can manipulate an immune response against the virus. *Photographed for a COP story on research diversity.

Elective and Advanced Elective Rotations

Home Infusion
Critical Care
Pain Management
Long-Term Care
Home Care
Drug Information
Managed Care
  • Some of the sites you could rotate through

    The following are some of the sites you could rotate through as a WesternU-Doctor of Pharmacy student:

  • For more information on clinical rotation sites, feel free to contact James Scott, PharmD, Associate Dean for Experiential and Professional Affairs at (909) 469-5517.