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WesternU / College of Pharmacy / Residents and Fellows

Residents and Fellows

Residents and Fellows represent academic excellence at its finest. These College of Pharmacy postdoctoral Residents and Fellows exhibit the pinnacle of education and attainment and are now able to focus on research in specialized areas of pharmaceutical science, teaching, and service to community.


Portrait of Nelli Dallakyan, PharmD

Nelli Dallakyan, PharmD

College of Pharmacy

PGY1 Pharmacy Resident, Los Angeles Jewish Health

Portrait of JaDonna Dorsey, PharmD., MPH

JaDonna Dorsey, PharmD., MPH

College of Pharmacy

PGY1 Pharmacy Resident, St. Mary’s Medical Center

Portrait of Evelyn Sungmin Kim, PharmD

Evelyn Sungmin Kim, PharmD

College of Pharmacy

PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Resident, Ralphs Pharmacy

Portrait of Vivian Ly, PharmD

Vivian Ly, PharmD

College of Pharmacy

PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Resident, 986 Pharmacy

Portrait of Lillian Nguyen, PharmD

Lillian Nguyen, PharmD

College of Pharmacy

PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Resident, 986 Pharmacy


Portrait of Jeongmin (Hana) Kim, PharmD, ScM

Jeongmin (Hana) Kim, PharmD, ScM

College of Pharmacy

Health Economics and Outcomes Research/Managed Care

Portrait of Matthew Nadybal, PharmD

Matthew Nadybal, PharmD

College of Pharmacy

Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Fellow

Portrait of Skai (Xin) Pan, PharmD, MPH

Skai (Xin) Pan, PharmD, MPH

College of Pharmacy

Health Outcomes Research Fellow