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WesternU / About WesternU / Governance / Staff Council

Staff Council


Mission: The Western University of Health Sciences Staff Council’s (WSC) mission is to serve and advocate for the interest and needs of the staff members of Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU) to promote a campus-wide culture of employee satisfaction, respect, and shared governance.

Vision: The WesternU Staff Council strives to create a space to celebrate and acknowledge the exceptional work and diversity of all staff across the WesternU community.


  • Promote staff development to ensure the professional and academic growth of individuals
  • Collaborate with various university committees to create a safe and productive environment that will support the WesternU family in achieving goals that pertain to staff, students, faculty, and administration
  • Communicate staff needs and concerns to leadership
  • Advocate for staff representation on University and Executive Committees, including all search committees
  • Sponsor programs, events, and various services that will serve to promote a culture of humanism, respect, recognition, cooperation, and understanding across the WesternU  community

View the Staff Council Bylaws

Important Dates

None at this time.


You can now submit any questions, comments or concerns via my.westernU via Staff Council Index Card!


Portrait of Barbara Baker

Barbara Baker

Portrait of Mark McIntire

Mark McIntire


Vice Chair

Portrait of Amanda Anglin

Amanda Anglin



Portrait of Crystal Rivera

Crystal Rivera


Communications Officer

Portrait of Rudy Barreras

Rudy Barreras

  • Members
    Alejandra Cervantes-Ramirez California
    Brenda Flores California
    Carlos Mendez California
    Chancellor Jensen Oregon
    Elliott Bruce California
    Jessica Tsang California
    Jonathan Peterson California
    Julie Sarratt California
    Kasey Millar California
    Katelyn Royce California
    Katie Pinto California
    Maria Gonzalez California
    Maxwell Herzfeld California
    Mayra Hoskins California
    Michael Matchell California
    Michelle Cowling California
    Michelle Huljev California
    Nancy Minnick Oregon
    Paige Morgan Oregon
    Ruth Harris California
    Nancy Riker California
    Stacy Rye California
    Stephanie Butler California
    Stephen Quintero California
    Theodore “TJ” Pe California
    Tirin Lufty California
    Tony Collins California
    Tyronza Herring California
    Yequila Pearson California
    Zaman Khan California


  • Staff Council Committees


    Responsible for maintaining bylaws and ensuring the council remain in alignment with its bylaws

    Engagement and Communications Committee (ECC)

    Gathers information from the Staff Council committees to be communicated to the University on behalf of the Staff Council

    Staff Advocacy Committee

    If requested by a staff member, acts as a mediator or liaison between staff and Human Resources personnel to facilitate resolution. Gathers and reviews anonymous suggestions on areas of improvement.

    Professional Development Committee (PDC)

    Collaborates with Human Resources and supervisors professional development opportunities

  • A group of people stand together for a photo in front of a backdrop with repeated logos, all smiling towards the camera. Some are wearing maroon shirts with a university logo.

    Have a general question for the Staff Council?

    Please submit your question here.