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  • SC – American Association of Bovine Practitioners
    To enhance student understanding of bovine medicine as well as companion livestock and production animal management.
  • AAEP-Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners
    To improve the health and welfare of the horse. It also serves to further the professional development of its members. Provide resources and leadership for the benefit of the equine industry.
  • AAFP-Student Chapter of the American Association of Feline Practitioners
    To improve the health and well-being of cats by supporting high standards of practice, continuing education and scientific investigation, as well as stimulating veterinary student interest in feline practice.
  • ASV-Student Chapter of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians
    To use veterinary knowledge and skills to work towards decreasing shelter and unwanted pet populations, improving conditions within the shelters, and educating the public and veterinary profession.
  • AVSAB-Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB)
    To educate veterinary students on current animal behavioral theory as well as the importance of recognizing the human-animal bond in a clinical setting. We also encourage hands-on application of theory in the clinical setting.
  • SC-ACVIM – Student Chapter of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
    To enhance animal and human health by advancing veterinary internal medicine through training, education and discovery.
  • SC-ACVP – Student Chapter of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists
    To educate veterinary students on both anatomical and clinical pathology career opportunities. Members engage in various talks with world-renowned speakers, participate in interactive histopathology presentations and necropsies, and attend the annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists.
  • SAVMA-Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association
    To promote a spirit of friendly relations among students enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine and to provide an opportunity for members to gain professional knowledge and an understanding of professional ethics and conduct. Members are also able to take advantage of opportunities provided by the AVMA parent organization.
  • SC – Christian Veterinary Mission
    To challenge, empower and facilitate veterinary students (and veterinarians) to serve others through their profession, through missions, living out their Christian faith. We also provide education and encouragement for those who desire to minister through service, prayer, relationship building and modeling Christ’s love.
  • SC – Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association
    To engage students in current ethical and political debates that promotes the welfare of animals. Members participate in lectures with numerous world-renowned speakers, advance animal welfare through community activities, and volunteer for organizations that promote animal welfare according to SC-HSVMA guidelines.
  • Society of Veterinary Theriogenolgy
    To expand the knowledge of interested students in science behind and techniques used in treatment of and approach to Theriogenology cases, real and proposed.
  • SVECCS-Student Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society
    To promote the interest and education of WesternU veterinary students in veterinary emergency and critical care. We strive to develop and strengthen a passion for animal emergency medicine through lectures, web labs and guest speakers.
  • VBMA-Veterinary Business Management Association
    Dedicated to advancing the profession through increasing business knowledge, creating networking opportunities, and empowering students to achieve their personal and professional goals.
  • Veterinary Research Club
    To promote interest in the field of biomedical research and laboratory medicine and to promote research opportunities for veterinary students.
  • Veterinary Surgery Club
    The purpose of this club is to provide learning experiences in the field of veterinary surgery with an emphasis on small animal surgery.
  • ZWECCS-Zoological Wildlife Exotic Conservation Club
    To promote the general welfare and conservation of captive and free-ranging wildlife. To enlighten ourselves by sharing in the dissemination of relevant knowledge in an effort to increase the awareness of issues that affect these animals.
  • SC – American Association of Avian Pathologists
    To promote interest and education of students in the field of avian veterinary medicine and expose them to a wide variety of procedures and techniques used that can help them excel in real cases.
  • SC – American Holistic Veterinary Medicine Association
    To educate and provide information to the community on holistic approaches to veterinary medicine.
  • SC – World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association
    Our mission is to introduce veterinary students to the world of aquatic veterinary medicine. We aim to introduce students to all aspects of aquatic veterinary medicine and help by provide learning, externship and internship opportunities.
  • SC-Foundation for Veterinary Dentistry SC-FVDclub@westernu.edi
    To promote the interest and education of students in dentistry and expose them to a variety of common dental covariates.
  • Student of Color &Allies Outreach, Retention & Education
    To promote the interests of veterinary and other health students of color through advocacy and retention initiatives, educate the campus community on issues of diversity, and outreach to underrepresented students at K-12 and undergraduate schools. WesternU students will be provided a safe space through meetings and events where they will be able to voice their concerns and work together for the betterment of the campus community. The club is open to all regardless of race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, disability, or any or any other status protected from discrimination by federal, state, or local law.