Student Consumer Information
Student Consumer Information Disclosures
The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA Sec. 485(a) requires that universities make available to current and prospective students information and disclosure reporting requirements containing a list of the consumer information it must disseminate, and the procedures for obtaining this consumer information to ensure fairness and transparency for all higher education consumers. A disclosure requirement is information that an institution of higher education is required to distribute or make available to another party, such as students and or employees. A reporting requirement is information submitted to the U.S. Department of Education or other governmental agencies.
Western University of Health Sciences has developed this page to serve as a source for locating and obtaining important consumer information about our institution.
The names of associations, agencies, or governmental bodies that accredit approve, or license Western University of Health Sciences and its programs may be found electronically on the WesternU web site, College Catalog: University Catalog.
Family Education and Privacy Act gives enrolled students the right to review their educational records, request amendment of records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information, and to file complaints with the Department of Education. Students are informed annually of their FERPA rights via the fall registration process. Students and prospective students may access FERPA information electronically through the WesternU web site and the Registrar’s Office.
Information about facilities and services available to students with disabilities, including students with intellectual disabilities (as defined in CFR 668.231(6)(b)), is available through Western University’s Office of The Harris Family Center for Disability & Health Policy. (CDHP) which may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
Harris Family Center for disability and Health Policy online resources booklet and information may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
- Student Handbook CDHP
Accommodations and Resource Center (AARC) information may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
Information about student body diversity at WesternU, including enrollment, gender, average age and student ethnicity is collected by WesternU Office of Institutional Research and may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
The WesternU faculty listing can be found in the College Catalog.
Information regarding the cost of attendance at WesternU, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, misc. personal expenses transportation costs, and any additional costs for a program in which the student is enrolled may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
Information regarding WesternU’s refund policy, requirements and procedures for official withdrawal and requirements for return of Title IV may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site/College Catalog.
Students of WesternU may obtain the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) through the Harriet K. and Philip Pumerantz Library web site, select term and program, select book title. Product information, pricing and the International Standard Book Number will be listed. This information may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site/library.
Distance programs may also access the ISBN book numbers number through the library web site.
For information regarding textbooks, you may contact the WesternU Bookstore directly through the above link which may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
Students and prospective students may access Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards policies through the WesternU College Catalog, please see College specific. Prospective students and current students may access this information electronically through the WesternU web site.
The Financial Aid warning policy made be found electronically through the WesternU web site/College Catalog.
Withdrawal procedures may be located in the College Catalog/Withdrawal from University.
The requirements for officially withdrawing from the university may be found electronically through the WesternU web site/Registrar/and the College Catalog
WesternU facilities and physical plant information may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
WesternU maintains a list of most frequently called numbers which may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site/contact us.
Information regarding programs offered at Western University of Health Sciences for prospective students may be accessed electronically from the WesternU web site/Admissions.
Information regarding graduation rates, general statistics and summary information for each college is collected by the WesternU Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness and may be accessed electronically through WesternU web site.
Information regarding WesternU colleges and degrees offered may be located electronically through WesternU web site.
Gainful Employment program information may be obtained on the WesternU web site.
- Gainful Employment Program Disclosures (ENP)
- Gainful Employment Program Disclosures (FNP)
- Gainful Employment Program Disclosures (PMHNP) – No data as of 2021 – new programs
Prospective students may access information regarding Gainful Employment (GE) programs electronically through the WesternU web site/Prospective Student/Admissions. Please note: WesternU GE programs that fall into the GE disclosure requirement are Family Nurse Practitioner (Post Master FNP), Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP) and the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP).
Loan Deferments and Transfer Credit Polices may be located on the WesternU website/College Catalog
- Federal Education Loan Deferments
- Understanding how to repay your loans and finding the right repayment plan provided electronically by the Department of Education.
- Transfer Credit Polices, see college specific /University Catalog
Prospective and current students may locate transfer credit policies electronically in the WesternU College Catalog, under program specific colleges, if the college accepts transfer credit.
- Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure – University Catalog
Information about WesternU accreditation and professional accreditations for each academic program may be located electronically at WesternU web site
Complaints Regarding WASC Accreditation Standards (from the University Catalog .
Western University of Health Sciences is committed to meeting and exceeding the standards for accreditation of colleges and universities as described by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). It is the policy of Western University of Health Sciences that a student, employee, or other constituent of the University that believes that the University may not be in compliance with the standards of accreditation has a right to file a complaint and can view the complaint submission process at: https://www.wascsenior.org/comments
Information regarding WesternU policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement. First year students are required to take 2 modules, one on Copyright and one on Plagiarism.
Copyright policy website and resources.
Clubs, Organizations, Student Services
Prospective and current students can learn about campus life, student activities and counseling services at Western University of Health Sciences and may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site
Information regarding the faculty and administration at WesternU may be accessed electronically through the University Catalog on the WesternU site.
Information regarding the faculty and administration at WesternU may be accessed electronically through the University Catalog on the WesternU site.
- Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information/Department of Education
- Financial Aid Home Page
- The Office of Financial Aid and our Mission Statement
For information regarding the availability of all need-based and non-need based federal, state, local, private and institutional student financial assistance programs available to WesternU graduate and professional students, methods and frequency of disbursement of aid, rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV aid may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
For prospective or current students the Financial Aid Office contact information can be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site/Financial Aid.
Western University of Health Sciences is a Direct Lending school which participates in the William D. Ford Direct Loan Program. For prospective and current students this information can be accessed through the WesternU web site/Financial Aid.
Entrance loan counseling is a mandatory requirement for all entering student loan borrowers of Western University of Health Sciences. The entrance counseling provides important information regarding the students’ rights and responsibilities, an explanation of the Master Promissory Note and the seriousness and importance of the student’s repayment obligation. Students may access the entrance counseling information electronically through the WesternU web site and the Direct Student Loan web site (see above).
Exit loan counseling is a mandatory requirement for any student borrower that graduates, goes below half-time enrollment, takes a leave of absence or withdraws from the university. Exit loan counseling provides important information about repayment, debt management, the Master Promissory Note, the seriousness and importance of the student’s repayment obligation, terms and conditions of loan forgiveness or cancelation, tax benefits and deferment and forbearance options. Students may access the exit loan counseling electronically through the WesternU web site and the NSLDS web site (see above). Students may also contact our office at finaid@westernu.edu to meet with a counselor for additional exit counseling.
Western University of Health Sciences Financial Aid Office has adopted and published the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Code of Conduct and Statement of Ethical Principles. Financial aid administrators are required to exemplify the highest level of ethical behavior and demonstrate the highest level of professionalism. Students and employees may access electronically this information on the WesternU web site.
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education’s central database for student aid. Students and parents of students are advised that if they enter into a Title IV, HEA loan, the loan data will be submitted to the National Student Data System and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system. Students may access electronically the NSLDS web site directly or via the WesternU web site/Financial Aid/NSLDS.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEA) is the federal law that governs the administration of federal student aid programs. Institutions are required to provide information published by the Department of Education to students at any time that information regarding loan availability is provided. The publication includes information about the rights and responsibilities of students and institutions under Title IV, HEA loan programs.
- Tuition Refund Policy (Financial Aid Recipients)
- The tuition refund policy may be accessed electronically on the WesternU web site/College Catalog
- Rights and Responsibilities of Financial Aid Recipients
Know your rights and responsibilities as a financial aid recipient at WesternU can be accessed electronically on the WesternU website.
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program and the Drug-Free work place Policy:
Pomona Campus – Students Drug Free Policy 1415 (CA)
Lebanon Campus – Students Drug Free Policy 1415 (OR)
- Drug Free Workplace Policy – College Catalog University Catalog
- Vaccination/Immunization Policies/University Catalog
WesternU makes available to current and prospective students, information about institutional polices regarding vaccinations electronically through the WesternU College Catalog, under Health and Safety, required immunizations.
- Immunization and Health History Document
Prospective and current students can locate electronically from WesternU web site the immunization Health and History Physical Examination Information document.
- WesternU Student Health Insurance Student Health Insurance Plan Information
- WesternU requires all full-time students to maintain health insurance coverage at all times while enrolled.
Signed into law in 1990, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose information about campus crime activity.
- Safety and Security on Campus
- Security Log – Updates/Clery Compliance
- Fire Prevention Plan – Emergency Action Western University of Health Sciences Your-Right-To-Know – Students and employees are notified of campus crimes or emergencies through mass email. Students and employees may also access through electronic means from the WesternU web site. Students and employees may also contact the Environmental Health and safety Department to request any copies. Email notifications to students and employees go out every quarter.
Western University of Health Sciences Fire Prevention Plan, Safety and Rules accessible to students and employees through electronic means from the WesternU web site. Students and employees may also contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department to request any copies.
Western University of Health Sciences policy and procedures for students and employees regarding an emergency and emergency information may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site.
“Your right to Know” is the name given to the WesternU’s Clery Act Report. The report contains the statistics from the previous year. The report is available to all staff and students via electronic or paper and a copy can be requested at any time.
Western University of Health Sciences recommended personal safety practices, the authority of the University security guards, campus disciplinary procedures, and campus crime statistics may be accessed electronically through the WesternU web site at Safety & Security
- Network Data Breach- Network Incident or Data Breach Response Procedure – To view this document please contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@westernu.edu – address your email To the Compliance Officer of Financial Aid.
- The policy on the WesternU Data Breach Notification may be located from the University Policy Office/Policies & Procedures:
- Network Incident or Data Breach Notification
Western University of Health Sciences Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness collects and publishes student data outcomes annually. Students and employees may access this information electronically through WesternU website.
• Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System IPEDS
IPEDS is an integrated Postsecondary Education System. It is a system interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Western University of Health Sciences Office of Intuitional Research and Effectiveness reports the data once a year as required by the Department of Education.
The primary source for data on colleges, universities, and technical and vocational postsecondary institutions in the United States.
National Center for Education Statistics NCES
Information on U.S. colleges, universities, and technical and vocational institutions.
College Affordability and Transparency Center
The Department’s College Affordability and Transparency Center contains information for students, parents, and policymakers about costs at America’s colleges.

Constitution Day
Explore the Constitution’s history and what it means today.
If you are unable to locate any of the information provided by the links above, you may contact us through the WesternU financial aid general mail box at finaid@westernu.edu.